Article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Washington County," sub-title "Birds and Game," to be known
as sections 34M, 34N, 34O, 34P, 34Q and 34R, and when so
added to read as follows:
SEC. 34M. A certificate to be known as a propagating cer-
tificate may be issued by the State Game Warden to any accred-
ited person of this county of the age of 21 years or upwards,
permiting the holder thereof and his assistants to breed or raise
game quadrupeds or game birds of any kind in this county, both
or either, and to sell the same alive for propagating purposes
only for profit, under the following restrictions and regulations :
Any corporation, association or person desiring to operate a
propagating plant for game in this county shall file with the
State Game Warden a petition asking for this privilege, and in
all cases where the premises intended to be used for this pur-
pose are under the control of a company or association the peti-
tion shall bear the name of the president of such body and the
certificate shall be issued in his name. This petition shall be
accompanied by a written description of the premises to be used
for such purpose, with its location, which said premises for the
purpose of this act in the matter of the raising of game may
be in such form as to the operator seems best suited to his pur-
SEC. 34N. The certificate herein provided for shall be good
for one year from the date thereof and shall not be transferable.
A bond hereinafter provided for shall be forfeited to the State
and the certificate to become void upon the conviction of the
principal therein named for having violated any of the provi-
sions of this section, or having knowingly or negligently per-
mitted anyone to violate any of the game laws of this State or
county on his premises.
SEC. 34O. Upon notification of the favorable consideration
of this petition by the State Game Warden, the applicant shall
pay to the State Treasurer of the State of Maryland for the use
of the petition of propagating game within the county the sum
of $10.00, and file duly executed bond properly secured in the
sum of $200.00, conditioned for the faithful keeping upon the
part of the principal therein named and his employees upon
said premises, of all the provisions of this section and all other
game laws of this county or State. He shall have as nearly as
possible a just and true account in a book to be kept for the
purpose only of all game raised on said premises and a just and
true account of all game brought to said premises from outside
of the preserve; number of birds or animals with the time they
were received and the place from whence they were shipped and