enforced in the same manner as if such appeal and re-enact-
ments with amendments had not been made.
SEC. 14. Be it enacted, That all acts inconsistent with this
act are hereby repealed.
SEC. 15. Be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 15, 1912.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the Board of Police Commis-
sioners of Baltimore City to pension Emma R. Smyth, widow
of Sergeant Joseph J. Smyth, said sergeant, who was for-
merly a member of the Police Department of Baltimore City.
AN ACT to add six sections to Article 22 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Washington County," sub-
title "Birds and Game," so as to provide for the additional
protection and preservation of game, game quadrupeds and
game birds and wild birds in Washington county and within
the limits of preserves and propagating game farms or game
preserves in Washington county, making it unlawful to trap,
hunt or shoot and take game birds or game animals, or to
drive off and enclose or trap, bait or destroy game birds or
game animals of said game preserves or propagating game
farms or game preserves, and providing for the punishment
of such trespassing, hunting, shooting, baiting, trapping or
driving off and enclosing game or destroying game birds and
animals upon preserves and propagating game farms or game
preserves, unless the person shall have a written permit from
the said owner or owners of a game preserve or propagating
farm to go on said property and in any way destroy the game
and animals. All game preserves and propagating game pre-
serves and propagating farms shall be regulated by the game
laws of the county or State governing such.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That six sections be and the same are hereby added to