130 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 74]
and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually. For the year 1912 said County
Commissioners are empowered and authorized to issue said
bonds in the aggregate sum of $10,000 to become due and pay-
able on or before the first day of May, 1915, and for the years
1913 and 1914 they are authorized and empowered to issue said
bonds in an amount not exceeding $10,000 in each of said years
in like amounts, and to become due and payable on or before
the 1st day of May, 1915; provided, however, that the interest
on all of said bonds so issued as aforesaid, is to be paid by said
road directors out of said annual levy of forty thousand dollars
for their use, as provided by section 216E of this act. And
provided further that said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars
to be levied as aforesaid for the year 1915 shall be wholly used
if necessary, in paying off and fully discharging any and all
of the bonds so authorized to be issued as aforesaid by said road
directors during the years 1912, 1913 and 1914; and if said
sum of twenty-five thousand dollars to be so levied for the year
1915 is not sufficient to fully pay off and discharge all of said
bonds so issued under this act, the balance of the principal of
said bonds, if any, so remaining due and unpaid shall be paid
by said road directors out of their annual levy of forty thousand
dollars so created by section 216E of this act. Said road direc-
tors are hereby authorized and required to use the said sums of
twenty-five thousand dollars each provided for herein by the
levy for said years 1912, 1913 and 1914 and all moneys realized
from the issuance and sale of any and all bonds herein provided
for, in making permanent improvements under said Shoemaker
Law to the following sections of road's in Allegany county:
1. Through Luke, Md., 2/5 of a mile;
2. From Franklin to Barton, 2 2/5 miles;
3. From Barton to Pekin, 2 2/5 miles;
4. From Westernport to Gannons, 2/5 miles;
5. At Gilmore, Md., 7/10 of a mile;
6. At Ocean, Md., 1 mile;
7. At Corrigansville, Md., 1 mile;
8. From Frostburg to Allegany, 1 1/2 miles;
9. At Morantown, Md., 4/5 of a mile;
10. Virginia ave., below South Cumb'd., 1/2 of a mile;
11. Oldtown road, 1/2 of a mile;
12. Cross road, 1/5 of a mile;
13. Bedford road, 3 miles;
14. Williams road from Cit Limits. 1/2 of a mile.