nent roads therein, as hereinafter set forth., under the so-called
Shoemaker Law, it being the intention of this act to place in
the hands of said road directors the said sum of twenty-five
thousand dollars per year for said years to enable said road
directors to build permanent roads under said Shoemaker Law,
and to1 receive such contribution to the roads of Allegany county
from the State of Maryland as may be possible under said Shoe-
maker Law. Provided, however, that the said County Commis-
sioners shall not be required to levy in any of said years for
such permanent road improvements, any sum in excess of twen-
ty-five thousand dollars, and that such road directors shall only
be allowed in the building of permanent roads under said Shoe-
maker Law to expend the said sum of twenty-five thousand
dollars per year for the years 1912, 1913 and 1914, and that
said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars to be levied as afore-
said for the year 1915 shall be used by said road directors in
paying off and discharging bonds which they are hereinafter
authorized and empowered to issue. And if it shall so happen
that in making such permanent road improvements, short sec-
tions of such permanent roads shall be narrower in width than
required by the State law providing for the payment of half
the cost thereof, or that portion of said road shall be otherwise
disqualified for State aid, then upon certificate to such effect
of the road engineer of Allegany county, the respective sums
of money which such narrow or disqualified roads may have
cost may be paid out of the levy herein provided for permanent
road work, even though the State may refuse to accord its aid
SEC. 216F. For the purpose of enabling said road directors
to permanently improve under said Shoemaker Law certain
designated sections of roads in Allegany county during the years
1912, 1913 and 1914 as aforesaid, and to receive as much State
aid in such improvements as possible under said Shoemaker
Law, additional funds to be used in connection with said levy
of twenty-five thousand dollars per year as aforesaid, are pro-
vided as follows: The County Commissioners of Allegany
County are hereby authorized and required to issue their bonds
and sell the same for the use of the road directors of Allegany
county, in an amount not exceeding thirty thousand dollars,
said bonds to be coupon bonds in sums of not less than $500
each nor more than $1,000 each to be signed by the president
of the County Commissioners of Allegany, and countersigned
by the clerk of the County Commissioners of Allegany County,
and under the corporate seal of said County Commissioners,