eral Laws of Maryland of 1904, title "Marriages," be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments so as
to read as follows:
SEC. 4. No person within this State shall be joined in mar-
riage until a license shall have been obtained from the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for the county in which the marriage is
to be performed, or if in Baltimore City, from the Clerk of the
Court of Common Pleas, or unless the names of the parties
intending to marry shall be thrice published in some church
or house of public worship in the county where the woman
resides on three several Sundays by some minister residing in
said county; provided, nevertheless, that any person within this
State may marry according to the ceremony used by the society
of people called Quakers, the contracting parties signing a certi-
ficate to the effect that they have agreed to take each other for
husband and wife, and said certificate being attested by at least
twelve witnesses; and provided, further, that said certificate
shall within sixty days be recorded either among the records
of the society to which either of the contracting parties may
belong, or in some court of record in the city or county in
which said marriage may be accomplished. The license required
by this article shall be in the following form, to wit: State of
Maryland and County of ———. To any minister of the Gospel
or other officer or person authorized by the laws of the State
to solemnize marriage: You are hereby authorized to join
together in the holy estate of matrimony according to the rules
and ceremonies of your church, society or religious sect and
the laws of this State, A. B., whose place of residence is -——;
whose age is ———, color, ———, and who is (state here whether
single, widower or divorced, as the case may be), and C. D.,
whose place of residence is ———, color ———, and who is (state
here whether single, widow or divorced, as the case may be),
and who are ——— (state here also whether the contracting par-
ties are in any way related). Given under my hand and seal
of the Circuit Court for ——— County (or the Court of Com-
mon Pleas of Baltimore City) at ——, this —— day of ——,
A. D., one thousand nine hundred and ———. The license shall
have appended to it two certificates framed to correspond with
said license, which shall be in form as follows: I hereby certify
that on this ——— day of ———, one thousand nine hundred and
——, at ———, A. B., and C. D. were by me united in mar-
riage in accordance with the license issued by the Clerk of the
—— Court for ——— County (or City), Maryland, which certi-
ficate shall be signed by the minister or other person who per-
formed the ceremony, giving his name and official character;