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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1253   View pdf image
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nue to its intersection with Sligo Creek; thence along the west
bank of Sligo Creek to the Blair road; thence along the south
line of the Blair road to its intersection with Flower avenue;
thence along the west line of Flower avenue to its intersection
with Carroll avenue, at the northeast corner of lot one (1) in
Block forty-nine (49) ; thence from said point along the easterly
side of Carroll avenue to the Bladensburg road at John Brown's;
thence with the westerly side of said road to the land of Jack-
son ; thence southerly with Jackson's land to the land of Riggs;
thence with the east line of Riggs' thirty-acre wood lot to John
Powell's corner; thence with the dividing line between said
John Powell's land to the west line of Rigg's land known as
Wroe farm; and thence with the west line of Riggs' land to the
land of one Gleason; thence with said land to a boundary stone
known as the end of the thirty-first (31st) line of Chillum
Castle Manor; thence with said line reversed, and as now laid
down to the land of the late Samuel J. Cockerill; thence still
with the said line and said Cockerill's north line, to the afore-
said third (3rd) line of the District of Columbia; thence with
said lines reversed to the place of beginning.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.

Approved April 11, 1912.

CHAPTERS 751, 752, 753.
(Vacant Chapters Numbers.)


AN ACT forbidding the receiving or purchasing of turkeys,
geese, ducks, chickens or guinea fowls anywhere within the
limits of Kent county, Maryland, by hucksters, dealers or
merchants between sunset and sunrise of the following morn-
ing, and providing a penalty or punishment for the doing of
the same.



AN ACT to pay the claim of Lucas Brothers for supplies, sta-
tionery, blank books and materials for use of the Court of
Appeals, State Library, Executive Department and the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland for the Session of 1912.


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1253   View pdf image
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