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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1252   View pdf image
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1252 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 750]

Acts of the Assembly of 1906, and by Chapter 526 of the
Acts of the Assembly of 1910.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section 3 of Chapter 480 of the Acts of the Assem-
bly of 1890, entitled "An Act to incorporate the town of
Takoma Park, Montgomery and Prince George's Counties," as
amended by Chapter 558 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1894,
by Chapter 310 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1896, by Chapter
117 of the Acts of the Assembly of 1900, by Chapter 100 of the
Acts of the Assembly of 1906, and by Chapter 526 of the Acts
of the Assembly of 1910, be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

SEC. 3. That the limits of said town shall be as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the third line of the District of
Columbia with the east line of the Metropolitan Branch of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and running with the east line of
said road to a stone on the west side of Chicago avenue, opposite
the dividing line between the two lots number six (6) and
seven (7) in Block seventy (70) of the Takoma Park Loan and
Trust Company's sub-division of Takoma Park; thence with the
west side of said Chicago avenue to a stone on the west side of
said avenue; thence from said stone with the center line of said
avenue to a point opposite the north line of Philadelphia ave-
nue ; thence from this point to and along the north line of said
Philadelphia avenue to the line between lots number two (2)
and three (3) and one (1) and four (4) in Block seventy-two
(72) of the Takoma Park Loan and Trust Company's sub-divi-
sion of Takoma Park; thence with said lines to Baltimore ave-
nue; thence obliquely across said avenue to a stone, the north
boundary of lot six (6) in block eighty (80) of the aforesaid
Loan and Trust Company's sub-division, said stone being on
the third line of a tract of land called "The Girl's Portion;"
thence with said line reversed to the north side of Brashears'
avenue; thence with a right angle across the lands of Brashears,
to the south line of Brashears' land; thence with said line to
the west line of H. P. R. Holt's land; thence with the line of
said Holt's and Brashears' land to the land purchased by B. F.
Gilbert from Blair heirs; thence along the westerly line of said
land to the north line of Saratoga avenue; thence northerly
along the north line of said Saratoga avenue to the eastern edge
of Mississippi avenue so as to exclude and except from the
limits of the corporation as it now exists the land known as
Block numbered sixty-four (64) and sixty-five (65), lying south
of the Blair road; thence along the east line of Mississippi ave-


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1252   View pdf image
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