1180 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 718]
with an even depth southeasterly of one hundred and seventy-
one feet and three inches to Etting street or alley, as fully
described in said deed, with full power to the said African
Methodist Bethel Church of the City of Baltimore, to hold the
land in fee simple and to sell, dispose of, mortgage or lease the
same or any part of the same.
16. To the following sales, grants and deeds: (1) To a
deed from Thomas R. Bond and Robert H. Williams and wife
to the Most Reverend James Gibbons, Roman Catholic Arch-
bishop of Baltimore, for the time being, and his successors in
the Archepiscopal See of Baltimore, according to the discipline
and government of the Roman Catholic Church, a corporation
sole, which deed is dated March 14th, 1911, and recorded among;
the Land Records of Baltimore county, in Liber W. P. C. No.
376, folio 163, etc., and conveys a piece or parcel of fee simple
property in Baltimore county at the southwest corner of Gwynn
Oak and Haddon avenue, containing about one acre of ground,
more or less. (2) To a deed from the Most Reverend James
Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore, for the
time being, and his successors in the Archepiscopal See of Balti-
more, according to the discipline and government of the Roman
Catholic Church, a corporation sole, to Owen B. Corrigan, which
deed is dated August the 7th, 1911, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore county, in Liber W. P. C. No. 381,
folio 438, etc., conveying the same lot of ground. (3) To a
deed from Owen B. Corrigan to Harry M. Ramey, which deed
is dated January the 8th, 1912, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore county in Liber W. P. C. No. 390, folio
179, conveying the same lot of ground.
17. To the bequast of $200.00 to the Trustees and their
successors in office of Saint Paul's Church of the United Breth-
ren in Christ of Hagerstown, Maryland, a body corporate, in
trust, as contained in the last will and testament of Mary
Ellen Sprechen. deceased, late of Washington county, Mary-
18. To each and every of the several gifts, devises, and
bequests as contained in the last will and testament of George
M. Sharp, late of Baltimore City and State of Maryland, dated
the 17th day of November, 1909, and recorded in the office of
the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Liber H. W. J.
No. 110, folio 473, etc., to the Baltimore Monthly Meeting of
Friends, Park avenue, a religious corporation in Baltimore City
and State of Maryland.
19. To the deed from Henry S. West and Anne D. West,
his wife, dated October the 11th, 1911. and recorded among the