be required to pay or redeem said bonds as the same mature
from time to time until all said bonds shall have been paid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the sale of
the said bonds or so much thereof as shall be necessary shall be
used and applied by the said County Commissioners exclusively
in improving, reconstructing, remodeling and furnishing the
said Court House; and said proceeds shall be paid out for the
purposes mentioned in this act under the direction of said
County Commissioners, and upon the written order of a major-
ity of said County Commissioners.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said County Commis-
sioners, are hereby empowered and directed to change and
remodel, furnish and put in thorough repair the Court House
in Chestertown, Kent county, and for the purpose of so chang-
ing, remodeling, reconstructing and repairing the said Court
House, the said County Commissioners shall invite by public
advertisement sealed proposals for the furnishing of the mate-
rials, and doing the work, according to plans and specifications
which they shall order to be made thereof reserving to them-
selves the right to accept or reject any bid or bids which for
good reason should not be satisfactory to them, and good and
sufficient bond or bonds, with security to be approved by the
said County Commissioners from the party or parties contract-
ing to furnish material or doing the work in the making of said
improvements shall be taken in the name of the said County
Commissioners conditioned for the faithful performance of such
contract or contracts as may be entered into.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That as a preliminary and pre-
requisite to the exercise of the powers and authority hereby
granted and conferred, the sense of the legal voters of Kent
county shall be first taken and had thereto at an election to be
held for the purpose in Kent county on the day of the next
ensuing presidential election in said county, when the question
shall be submitted to the legal voters of Kent county as to
whether or not bonds shall be issued for improving reconstruct-
ing, remodeling and refurnishing the Court House, at Chester-
town, in Kent county, under the provisions of this act; at said
general election this question shall be submitted on separate
ballots prepared for the purpose by the Supervisors of Elections
of Kent county, which said ballots shall have the words "For
Court House Bonds," or "Against Court House Bonds" there-
on ; and separate ballot boxes shall be furnished for the purpose
by the said Supervisors of Elections which shall be of glass,
and if a majority of the voters at said election upon said ques-
tion shall be "For Court House Bonds," then and not before the