1102 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 706]
AN ACT to provide for improving, reconstruction, remodeling
and furnishing the Court House, at Chestertown, in Kent
county, and to authorize the County Commissioners of Kent
county to issue bonds to pay for the same, and to levy an
annual sum to pay such bonds and the interest thereon as
they mature, and to expend the same for improving, recon-
structing, remodeling and refurnishing the said Court House.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Kent county are hereby
authorized in their discretion to borrow on the credit of said
county an amount not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and
to issue coupon bonds therefor, in sums of not less than one
hundred dollars, to be signed by the president of said Board of
County Commissioners and countersigned by the clerk thereof,
and under the corporate seal of said commissioners, bearing
interest, at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually on the first day of July and on the first
day of January of each year, which bonds will be exempt from
all county and municipal taxation, and the due or overdue cou-
pons for interest shall be received by the treasurer of said
county in payment of county taxes. Said bonds shall be paya-
ble in sums, of one thousand dollars in each of the years begin-
ning with nineteen hundred and twenty and each year there-
after until fully paid; said bonds to be numbered consecutively
and to be redeemed in the order in which they are numbered,
and to be denominated "Kent County Court House Bonds."
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said County Commission-
ers are authorized to advertise at least once a week for four
successive weeks in two newspapers published in Kent county,
and also in some newspaper published in the City of Baltimore,
for sealed proposals for the negotiation of said bonds, and on a
certain day to be named in said advertisements said County
Commissioners shall in their office in the Court House in Ches-
tertown, open all the bids received and award the said bonds
to the highest bidder, provided no bid less than par shall be
accepted, reserving however the right to reject any and all
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Kent county shall in each and every year levy upon the
assessable property in Kent county such sums of money as may
be necessary to pay the interest on said bonds as said interest
shall become due, and also to levy such sums in addition as may