of said school shall enter in the roll book of the county in which
each pupil enrolled resides.
SEC. T. And be it enacted. That the said high school shall
be under the joint control and management of said three Boards
of School Commissioners, and all expenditures as to the mainte-
nance of said school, after the same is constructed! and equipped,
shall be made through and by the Board of School Commis-
sioners of that county in which said high school is located, and
each of the other two boards shall contribute and pay the said
board its proportionate share for the maintenance of said school,
as provided in section 6 of this act, and the board having charge
of the said expenditures shall render annually to the other two
boards an itemized and detailed statement of all receipts and
expenditures relating to the maintenance of said high school,
and the appropriation from the State of Maryland or any other
'source for the maintenance of said school shall also be paid to
the Board of School Commissioners of the county in which said
high school is located, and shall be disbursed and accounted for
as aforesaid. .
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That either an agricul-
tural, manual training or commercial course may be provided
for, established and maintained in connection with said high
school, according to the best judgment of said Boards of School
Commissioners, and subject to the provisions of the general
school law, as contained in the Acts of the Assembly of 1910,
Chapter 386, or any re-enactments or amendments thereto.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the primary schools
now located at Hillsboro, in Caroline county, and at Queen
Anne's, in Queen Anne's county, shall not in any way be
affected by the provisions of this act, but shall be maintained as
they now are by the said counties of Queen Anne's and Caro-
line, respectively, with such additions and improvements as the
Boards of School Commissioners for the said respective coun-
ties may think best.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners for each of the said counties of Talbot, Queen Anne
and Caroline shall levy a sufficient amount to defray the respec-
tive shares required for the construction and equipment of said
high school, and in each year thereafter to levy an amount suffi-
cient to meet the cost of maintaining said high school.
SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1912.