1160 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 705]
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That the said high school
building shall be located in the said Town of Queen Anne at or
near the present site of the primary school building in said
town, and Messrs. Harry Clark, George H. Beaven and Hugh
Brown are hereby appointed a committee to decide upon and
determine the exact location of said building, and the said
Board of School Commissioners are hereby authorized to acquire
such lands as are necessary and proper for said building and
for the proper conduct of the school, and in the event that said
boards are unable to acquire the site so selected at such a price as
the said boards or a majority of said boards may determine to
be just, then the aforesaid committee shall select another site
in said town, which shall be purchased as aforesaid by said
Boards of School Commissioners for the purposes aforemen-
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
constructing and equipping said high school building, each of
said three Boards of County School Commissioners are hereby
authorized and directed to pay the sum of one thousand dollars
($1,000) each, which, together with the aforesaid appropriation
of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00), will make the sum of
seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) aforesaid, which is hereby
authorized to be expended for the construction and equipment
of said high school building and for acquiring such lands as are
necessary and proper for the conduct of said school.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That whenever the said high
school building shall be constructed and equipped and the school
conducted therein shall meet the requirements of the general
school law relating to high schools, it shall be approved by the
State Board of Education, and shall then be accepted and enti-
tled to receive all the appropriations, rights, privileges and
immunities provided by the Act of Assembly of 1910, Chapter
386, or any re-enactment of the same, so far as the same relates
to high schools or to high schools having either an agricultural,
manual training or a commercial course, in this State.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That each of said three
Boards of County School Commissioners shall contribute annu-
ally such sum or sums of money as shall be necessary or proper
for the maintenance of said high school, the amount to be paid
by such board to be in proportion to the number of pupils
attending from each of said counties, respectively, and enrolled
in said high school on the 15th day of January, in each year, as
based on the total enrollment of said school on the said fifteenth
day of January in each year, and the principal or head master