1150 LAWS OP MARYLAND. [Ch. 700]
months immediately preceding the date of such application.
Any person obtaining a license under the provisions of this
section shall pay to the clerk issuing said license the sum of
one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25). Twenty-five cents
(25c) of which sum shall be retained by said clerk as a fee
for issuing said license, and the remainder of said sum shall
be paid over by said clerk into the Treasury of the State of
Maryland to be credited to the oyster fund. Said license
shall state the name, age and place of residence of said appli-
cant and the date of which said license is issued. Said license
shall entitle the person to whom it is issued to serve as an
employee of any person, firm or corporation engaged in the
business of fishing, under the provisions of sections 101, 102
and 103 of this act, within the limits heretofore defined in
this act from the date of such issue until the first day of
February, inclusive, next succeeding, and no person shall serve
as such employe until after he shall have obtained a license as
herein provided. Any violation of the provisions of this sec-
tion shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine
not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00).
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 15, 1912.
AN ACT to refund to Alice N. Murray, Margaret C. Murray
and Elizabeth C. Murray, money erroneously paid by them
into the State Treasury.
WHEREAS, Alice N. Murray was assessed on the books of Anne
Arundel county for two thousand ($2,000) dollars of Balti-
more City Stock for the years 1903 to 1910, both inclusive,
and three hundred ($300) dollars of capital stock of the
Northern Central Railroad for the years 1907-1911, both
inclusive, and paid to the county treasurer the sum of $31.40
State taxes on said stock; and
WHEREAS, Margaret C. Murray was similarly assessed upon
Baltimore City Stock and the capital stock of the Northern
Central Railroad for the same years, and paid to the county
treasurer of Anne Arundel county the sum of ($31.40) State
taxes on said stock; and,