except hook and line, within the waters of the Chesapeake
Bay, below Pool's Island, and within the jurisdictional limits
of the State of Maryland, shall first obtain by application to
the clerk of the Circuit Court for the county wherein he may
reside, or the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Balti-
more City, a license therefor, and such license shall have
effect from the first day of February, in the year in which it
may have been obtained, to the first day of February, inclusive,
next succeeding; and provided further, that such license shall
not authorize the taking or catching of fish, except with hook
and line, within the jurisdictional limits of any county or
counties of this State.
SEC. 106. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of
sections 110 to 118, inclusive, of this article, by the use of
any pound net, fyke net, haul seine or other contrivances now
known or hereafter invented, in the taking or catching of fish,
shall, on conviction thereof before some justice of the peace
of any county of this State most accessible, forfeit said pound
net, fyke net, haul seine or other contrivances, now used or
hereafter invented for taking fish, together with all boats,
vessels and tackle used in the violation of any of said sections,
or fined a sum not less than fifty dollars and not more than
one hundred dollars, or to be subject to both fine and forfeit-
ure, in the discretion of the justice of the peace trying the
case; provided the person feeling aggrieved shall have the right
of appeal to the Circuit Court for said county, under the pro-
visions of section 114.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the new section, to be
known as section 103A, to follow immediately after section
103, of said Article 39 of said Code be and the same is hereby
enacted to read as follows:
SEC. 103A. Any person desiring to engage in fishing in.
the waters of the Chesapeake Bay within four miles of the
shore line of St. Mary's county, south of an east and west
line passing through Cedar Point, and north of an east and
west line passing through' Point Lookout, as an employee of
any person licensed as provided in sections 101, 102 and 103
of this act, shall before entering upon such employment apply
for and obtain from the clerk of the Circuit Court of the county
wherein such person applying shall reside, or from the clerk
of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore City, if such per-
son so applying shall reside in said city, a license for such
employment and said clerk before issuing said license shall
require said applicant to make oath that he has been a bona
fide resident of the State of Maryland for the term of twelve