month, which said reports shall each state, in each and every
ease, the name of the defendant, the offense charged, the name of
the person upon whose complaint the warrant was issued, the
number of witnesses summoned, the name and official capacity
of the officer serving the warrant and summons, the judgment
rendered, the amount of fine or penalty imposed, the amount
of costs taxed, which shall include all constables' costs and con-
stables' fees, where process is served by police officers acting
with authority of constables, and the amount of fine and costs
collected by him, and all such fines and costs, including consta-
bles' and officers' fees for serving warrants, and all other process
which in all cases shall be properly taxed and collected, and
said police justice shall at the time of filing said reports and as
a part of each of said reports, pay over to said Treasurer of
Dorchester county the whole amount of all fines, penalties, for-
feitures, justice's costs and State's witness fees collected and
received by him; said fines, penalties, forfeitures, justice's costs
and all State witness fees collected and received by said police
justice for the violation of any Public General Law or any
Public Local Law and paid over to the Treasurer of Dorchester
county, shall be appropriated by said Treasurer to the payment
of all fees in criminal cases chargeable against Dorchester
county; and all fines, penalties, forfeitures, justice's costs and
State's witness fees collected and received by said police justice
for violation of any and all ordinances of the Town of Cam-
bridge, so paid over to said Treasurer of Dorchester county,
shall be paid to the Commissioners of Cambridge, after deduct-
ing therefrom all justice's costs in all cases tried and heard by
said police justice for the violation of any ordinance of the
Town of Cambridge, by the said Treasurer of Dorchester
county; and the said justice's costs so deducted and collected
for the trial of cases in violation of the ordinances of Cambridge
shall be used and paid on account of the salary or compensation
of said police justice, paid by the County Commissioners of
Dorchester county, as hereinafter provided by section 5 of this
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said police jus-
tice shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of
eight hundred dollars ($800.00) per year, or the proportionate
part thereof, so long as Be shall continue to act as such police
justice, said salary to be paid by the County Commissioners of
Dorchester County, in equal monthly instalments, and shall
be paid as full compensation for services rendered under this
act; and no police justice shall charge any fee other than pro-
vided by law or receive any gratuity for making any commit-