1146 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 698]
perform and execute the duties and obligations of justice of the
peace, and that he will account for and pay over to the County
Commissioners all fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs imposed
by him and which he shall receive for or on account of criminal
offense tried before him under the provisions of the Public
General Laws, Public Local Laws and the ordinances of the
Town of Cambridge, which bond shall be recorded in the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and shall be liable at the suit
of the State for the use of the County Commissioners of Dor-
chester county in case of default in any of its provisions.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said police jus-
tice shall have an office in the Town of Cambridge in said dis-
trict, and he shall attend at his office every day of the week
except Sunday at least from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock A. M. and
from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock P. M., and such other times as the
business of his office may require.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said police jus-
tice shall have the same jurisdiction in criminal cases as jus-
tices of the peace now possess and which may hereafter be con-
ferred upon them by and under the laws of the State; but shall
have no civil jurisdiction; but shall have the jurisdiction of and
perform the duties of coroner. The said police justice shall
have exclusive jurisdiction of and shall be required to try and
determine all violations of the criminal laws, and to perform
all the duties of coroner which shall arise in said Seventh Elec-
tion District and all violations of the ordinances of the Town of
Cambridge, subject, however, to the same right of election to be
tried by a jury, notice of which must be clearly given by said
police justice to the party before trial, and subject to the same
right of appeal as now exists under the law; provided, however,
that nothing in this act shall preclude the said police justice
from trying criminal cases which arise in any other district of
said county if the same shall be properly brought before him;
provided, however, nothing herein shall confer any right of
removal of any case from said police justice to any other justice
of the peace of Dorchester county.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said police justice
shall at the first regular monthly meeting of the County Com-
missioners held in each month make a report in writing verified
under oath, made before the clerk of said commissioners or
before one of the commissioners, of all cases for violation of any
of the Public General Laws and Public Local Laws heard or
tried before him during the preceding month, and also a like
report of all cases for violation of any ordinances of the Town
of Cambridge, heard or tried before him during the preceding