tricts upon which it is so levied, and the said tax shall be col-
lected in like manner as other taxes levied in said county are
collected, and when collected shall be applied, as hereinbefore
provided, to the payment of said bonds as they severally mature
and the interest thereon, which said bonds and coupons when
issued shall be non-contestible for any cause whatsoever, and
the said bonds and coupons so issued when redeemed, whether
before or at maturity, shall be cancelled, and It shall be the
duty of the County Commissoners to immediately cancel the
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized, empowered
and directed to apply the proceeds of the bond issue of thirty-
five thousand dollars so sold as aforesaid or the proceeds of the
sale of as many of said bonds as may be necessary for the pur-
pose herein stated, and the sum of five thousand dollars to be
donated as aforesaid, to the payment of the building, improv-
ing and relocating the public roads as herein mentioned of said
Fourth and Sixth Election Districts as aforesaid in said county;
all buildings and improvements thereof to consist of the grad-
ing of said roads and the construction thereon of a macadam
roadbed, according to plans and specifications prepared by and
under the guidance, supervision and direction of the Road
Superintendent of Montgomery county, State of Maryland.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1912.
AN ACT authorizing and directing the Governor of this State to
designate one of the justices of the peace appointed in and
for the Seventh Election District of Dorchester county as a
police justice, and defining the duties and fixing the com-
pensation of such police justice.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Governor of the State be and he is hereby author-
ized and directed to designate one of the justices of the peace
appointed in and for the Seventh Election district of Dorches-
ter county as a police justice, and who shall be a resident of
said Seventh Election District, and who before he shall act as
such shall give bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty
of $1,000, with surety or sureties to be approved by the County
Commissioners, conditioned that he will well and faithfully