208 court of appeals of maryland
sional judges of, in Colonial
times, 11-12; books required of
justices of, Colonial period, 13-
14; continued after Revolution,
58; jurisdiction enlarged, 1785,
92; grouped into 5 districts,
1790, 92; one professional and
two lay judges for each district,
1790-1805, 92-93; all original
jurisdiction above that of mag-
istrates vested in, 1805, 96;
grouped into 6 districts, 1805,
96; Chief Judge and two as-
sociates for each district, 1805,
96; grouped into 7 circuits,
1851, Baltimore City 8th, 150;
grouped into 13 circuits (in-
cluding Balto. City), 1864, 171;
grouped into 8 circuits (includ-
ing Balto. City), 1867, 176.
COURT ROOM, location of, 30-31,
70-71, 72; description of, at
Annapolis after 1806, 114, 128;
changes, 1864-1865, 165-166;
changes, 1903, 187-188.
CRAIN, Peter Wood, Judge, 172.
CRIMINAL CASES, trial without
jury in, 19; appeals to Colonial
Court of Appeals in, 26; writ
of error in, dispensed with,
1892, 188-189.
CRISFIELD, John W., 149, 151.
CUMMING, William, 29, 34.
DANIEL, William, 183.
DELAY, after docketing case in
Colonial Ct. of Appeals, 41,
54; in proceeding with business
of Court, 73-74; after docket-
ing cases in Ct. of Appeals
after 1776, 74, 77; in first half
of 19th century, 131-132; re-
duced to 6 months between
docketing and hearing of ap-
peals, 1849, 133; accumulation
of cases, 1864, 164; accumula-
tion disposed of, 1870, 185-186.
DELEGATES, Court of, appellate
jurisdiciton in probate matters,
5; abolished after Revolution,
DENNIS, Littleton, Judge, 79.
DENT, William, 23, 31, 45.
DENTON, Henry, 28, 30.
DIGESTS, first, of Maryland de-
cisions, Norris, Brown & Brune,
1847, 116; second, compiled by
Stockett, Merrick and Miller,
1857, 182.
DIMINUTION, Writs of. (See
DISTRICTS, Judicial, five formed,
1790, 92; six formed, 1805, 96;
Chief Judge of each, Judge of
Ct. of Appeals, 96; four under
Constitution of 1851, 150; five
under Constitution of 1864, 170.
(See also Circuits.)
DOCKETS H. D. No. 1, 28-29; old
docket of Governor and Coun-
cil continued in use after Rev-
olution, 69; of Ct. of Appeals,
1695-1790, transcribed by
Thomas Harris, Jr., 111.
DORSEY, Edward, 75.
DORSEY, Thomas Beale, Chief
Judge, 115, 122, 123, 128, 145,
DULANY, Daniel the elder, 4, 45,
47, 48.
DULANY, Daniel, the younger, 43,
44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 56, 65, 75.
DULANY, Daniel, son of Walter,
DULANY, Lloyd, 49.
DUVALL, Gabriel, 89, 102.
EARLE, James, 109.
EARLE, Richard Tilghman, Judge,
EASTERN SHORE, General Court
on, Constitution of 1776, 60,
73, 92; Court of Appeals to sit
on, 1805, 97; Court of Appeals
at Easton, 108; first session on,
1806, 108; sitting of Ct. of Ap-
peals on, to be abandoned, 150;
last session of Ct. of Appeals
on, 152.
EASTON, seat of Ct. of Appeals on
Eastern Shore, 108.
ECCLESTON, John Bowers, Judge,
153, 156, 158.
EDEN, Robert, Governor, 56.
ELECTION OF JUDGES, demands for,
147; Convention of 1851, 148-
151; terms, age limit, re-elec-
tion, 151; debate in Convention