ACT OF 1777, c. 5, 60-61; joint,
to original members of State
Court of Appeals, 63; joint, to
members of Court of Appeals,
1801, 79; last use of joint com-
mission to Court of Appeals,
79; date of, to determine
seniority, 97; to judges elected
under Const, of 1851, 153.
COMMISSARY, jurisdiction of Com-
missary General over adminis-
tration of decedents' estates, 5;
deputy for each county, 5; of-
fice abolished, 58.
CONSTABLE, Albert, 158.
1776, first meeting, Aug. 14,
1776, 59; separation of legisla-
tive, executive and judicial
powers, 59; tenure of judicial
office during good behavjior,
59; Judges Mackall, Wright
and Murray, members of, 67;
Chief Judge Jeremiah Town-
ley Chase a member of, 100; of
1851, demands for calling, 147,
148; sentiment for and against
elective judges, 148; of 1864,
result of Civil War, 166;
Chambers and Miller, dele-
gates, 167; proceedings, 167-
171; of 1867, result of Civil
War, 166; demand for, 173-
174; proceedings of, 174-176.
STITUTION OF 1776 and amend-
ments, Declaration of Rights:
Art. 6, separation of powers,
59; Art. 30, tenure of judicial
offices, judges to hold one of-
fice only, 59, 96n. constitu-
tion: Art. 40, tenure of judicial
office, 60; Art. 48, appointment
of judges, 60, 147; Art. 56,
Court of Appeals, Ct. of Chan-
cery, Court of Admiralty, Gen-
eral Ct., 59-60; Art. 59, amend-
ments, 95; Art. 61, nomination
and commissioning of judges,
60; Amendment of 1805 (Act,
1804, c. 55), abolishing General
Ct. and establishing circuit sys-
tem, 95-97; Amendment of
1836, abolition of council and
appointment of judges, 147.
CONSTITUTION OF 1851, judges
elective, 149-150; number of
judges and districts, 150; trial
court circuits, 150; terms of of-
fice of judges, age limit, 151;
clerk of court, 151; opinions to
be in writing, 151; publication
of reports, 151; office of Chan-
cellor and Chancery Ct. abol-
ished, 153; office of state re-
porter created, 157. CONSTITU-
TION OF 1864, five judges of
Ct. of Appeals, 170; require-
ment of one year's residence,
170; five judicial districts, 170;
existing judges of Ct. of Ap-
peals retained, 170; terms of
Court, 170; Annapolis place of
sessions, 170; salaries of judges
of Ct. of Appeals, 170; clerks—
terra and appointment, 170;
judges of Ct. of Appeals not
to do trial work, 170-171; thir-
teen judicial circuits, each
with one judge, 171. con-
stitution of 1867, eight judicial
circuits, 176; Annapolis place
of sessions, 176; Chief Judges
of circuits of Ct. of Appeals,
176; Chief Judge and two as-
sociates for each county circuit,
176; member of Ct. of Appeals
from Baltimore City, 176;
length of sessions, 176; quorum,
four judges, 176; clerk elective,
176; terras in April and Octo-
ber, 176.
CONTINUANCE, cases under advise"-
ment continued to next term,
41; by consent, easy and fre-
quent, early 19th century, 133-
134; by taking under advise-
ment prevented, 1864, 168.
COOKE, William, 47, 48, 65, 66,
79, 85, 154.
COSTS, Court of Appeals to award
above and below, 1785, 76.
COUNCIL. (See Governor and
COUNTY COURTS, Justices of the
Quorum for, 11; non-profes-