of 1864, 167, 168; elective sys-
tem retained, 1864, 169; no
perceptible change in chaiacter
of judges due to, 195, 196, 197.
EMORY, Thomas, General, 119.
ERROR, writ of (See Writs).
EXCEPTIONS, Bills of, 35, 190.
EXECUTION, not to be suspended
by appeal to Privy Council,
1694, 22; suspended on appeal
to Privy Council on giving
security, 1726-1727, 43; security
to suspend on appeal to Privy
Council to be filed in 12
months, 43.
FEES, schedule of, of Clerk of Ct.
of Appeals, c. 1700 (?), 29;
attorneys', for conducting cases
in Ct. of Appeals, 1715, 42;
of witnesses, mileage, 1788, 94.
FORMS, writ of error, 36; assign-
ment of errors, 37-39; sci. fa.
ad audiendum errores, 39-40;
joinder in error—"In nullo est
erratum," 40-41; judgment, 33.
FREEDOM, petition for, 18, 19, 75,
FRICK, William, Judge, 152.
GALE, Levin, 184.
GANTT, John Mackall, Judge, 107,
GENERAL COURT, established 1776,
as successor to Provincial Ct.,
59-60; qualification and num-
ber of judges of, 60; to sit on
Western and Eastern Shores,
60; location of, in Annapolis.
71; activities continued despite
Revolutionary War, 73; great
court of the state, 88, 89; aboli-
tion of, 91-97; original juris-
diction of, transferred to county
courts. 96; appellate jurisdic-
tion of, transferred to Ct. of
Appeals, 96, 97.
JUDGES, amendment of 1805, 96;
four districts, Constitution of
1851, 150; debated, Convention
of 1864, 167; adopted, Consti-
tution of 1864, five districts,
170; adopted, Constitution of
1867, eight circuits, 176.
GERRARD, Thomas, 16.
GILL, Richard W., 112, 154, 156.
(See also Harris & Gill and
Gill's Reports.)
GILL'S REPORTS, 157, 163.
GOLDSBOROUGH, Charles, 45.
GOLDSBOROUGH, Brice John, Judge,
158, 171, 172, 173.
GOLDSBOROUGH, Henry H., 167.
GOLDSBOROUGH, Robert, 45, 49.
GOVERNOR, Colonial, judicial pow-
ers, 3; chancellor, 4, 5; Ct. of
Appeals to function in absence
of, 42; control over tenure of
office of judges, 55. (See also
Governor and Council.)
Justice and associate'justices of
Provincial Ct., 3; constituted
Ct. of Appeals, 3; Provincial
Court, to 1692, 3, 4; first writ
of error, Ct. of Appeals, 1664.
5, 6; few appealed cases, 1666-
1678, 6; identical personnel
with Provincial Ct, 6, 24, 54-
55; suspension of appeals to,
1681-1694, 7, 8; non-profes-
sional judges, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15;
names of body when sitting as
appellate court, 3, 33-34; action
of, as court authorized in ab-
sence of Governor and Presi-
dent, 42; members hearing case
in Provincial Ct. not sitting in
Ct. of Appeals, 54-55; last ses-
sion of, as Ct. of Appeals, 1776,
56-57; council continued after
Revolution, 58; power to ap-
point judges after Revolution,
60; council abolished, 1836, 147.
GOWNS, quaere as to use by colon-
ial judges, 52; quaere as to
use shortly after Revolution,
86; again adopted by Ct. of
Appeals, 1914, 188.
GRASON, Richard, Judge, 178, 179.
GWYNN, Charles J. M., 160.
HALL, John, 47.
HAMMOND, John, 45, 49.