206 court of appeals of maryland
BOWIE, Thomas F., 149.
BOZMAN, John Leeds, 48, 92.
BARDFORD, David, 72.
BRANTLY, William T., 190.
BRENT, George, Judge, 178.
BRENT, Robert J., 154, 173.
BREWER, Nicholas, 163.
BRICE, John, 45, 48.
BRIEFS, not used in early prac-
tice; notes sometimes left with
Court by counsel, 82; develop-
ment of printed, 136; required,
regularly printed, 1852, 163,
164; copies for all judges usual
in 50's, 164; in modern prac-
tice, 190-191.
BROOKS, James, 56.
BROWN, Arthur George, 187, 198.
BROWN, David, 30.
BUCHANAN, John, Chief Judge,
104, 108, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121,
129, 130.
BUMP, Orlando F., 184.
BURGESSES, House of, 3.
CALVERT, Benedict Leonard, 48.
CALVERT, Philip, 4.
CARMICHAEL, Richard B., 162.
CARROLL, Charles (first of name),
14, 23, 48.
CARROLL, Charles, Barrister, 48,
CARROLL, Charles, father of
Charles Carroll of Carrollton,
CARROLL, Henry, 48.
CARTER, Bernard, 186.
CHAMBERS, Ezekiel Forraan,
Judge, 115, 118, 143, 144, 148,
152, 167, 168, 169.
CHANCELLOR, Governor as, 3, 4,
5; separate office from that of
Colonial Governor, 4, 5; ceased
to sit in Court of Appeals on
appeals from Court of Chan-
cery, 55; office continued after
Revolution, 58; to be profes-
sional lawyer under Constitu-
tion of 1776, 59-60; highest ju-
dicial position, 67, 88; official
coat, 86; office abolished, 153.
CHANCERY, Court of, Governor as
Chancellor, 3, 5; separate
Colonial Court, 4, 5; instruc-
tions to Gov. Nicholson re, 23;
relief against judgments of
Provincial Court, 25; appeal
from, to Court of Appeals,
under Act of 1694, 25, 27; ap-
peal from, to Court of Appeals
under Act of 1721, 27; facts as
well as law always reviewable
on appeal from, 27; court con-
tinued after Revolution, 58;
location of, in State House, 71;
abolished, 1851, 153.
CHASE, Jeremiah Townley, Chief
Judge, 51, 65, 74, 100, 101, 108,
110, 115.
CHASE, Samuel, 51, 65, 89, 95,
100, 103, 105.
CHESELDYNE, Kenelm, 23, 31, 45.
CHIEF JUDGE, of Court of Ap-
peals, Governor &o styled in
Colonial times, 52; first judge
named in joint commission, 63;
origin of title, 63-64; to be
designated by Governor and
Council, 1806, 97; of Judicial
Circuit, as member of Court of
Appeals, 96, 176.
CHIEF JUSTICE, Governor as, 3.
CIRCUITS, State divided into five,
1790, 92; state divided into six,
1805, 96; known as districts,
96; chief judge and two as-
sociates for each, 1805, 96;
chief judges of the circuits to
constitute Court of Appeals, 96,
176; under Constitution of 1851,
150-151; 13 under Constitution
of 1864, 171; eight under Con-
stitution of 1867, 176. (See also
Districts, Judicial.)
fa ad aud. err., 17; Civil War,
159, 160-161, 162, 166.
of 1780, c. 23, 72; appointed by
Court. Const, of 1851, term of
six years, 151; appointed by
Court, term of, 1864, 170;
elective, Const, 1867, 176.
COCHRAN, Silas Morris, Judge,
159, 171, 172, 173.
COMMISSIONS, of the peace, 10;
early joint, 11; forms of fixed,