Postage stamps furnished
Senators ....................................................
750 00
P. Watson Webb .........
. . . . . Secretary of Senate .....................................
Dorchester ........
1,215 00
J. Lewis Warner .........
. . . . . Assistant Secretary of Senate ............................
Talbot .............
350 00
Joseph M. George ........
.... Journal Clerk ...........................................
Queen Anne's .......
1,193 00
George L. Durm ..........
. . . . . Assistant Journal Clerk..................................
Baltimore City .....
290 00
C. Andrew Shaab .........
. . . . . Reading Clerk .........................................
Howard ............
943 00
William G. Robinson ......
.... Sergeant at Arms .......................................
Baltimore City .....
490 00
Henry P. Baker ..........
.... Chaplain ................................................
Baltimore City .....
150 00
Henry H. Houseman ......
.... Stenographer to the President ...........................
Baltimore City .....
450 00
Lawrence D. Keeley ......
.... Doorkeeper to President's room ..........................
Baltimore City .....
450 00
Wendell D. Alien .........
Stenographer to Minority Senators........................
Baltimore ..........
450 00
May E. Murphy ...........
Stenographer to Finance Committee.......................
Caroline ...........
450 00
Albert Goodman ........
Calendar Clerk .........................................
Baltimore City .....
410 00
William H. Doyle.........
Page ...................................................
Anne Arundel .......
205 00
Francis O. Geraci ........
.... Page ...................................................
Anne Arundel .......
205 00
Lloyd N. Lilly............
Page ...................................................
Howard ............
205 00
Daniel H. Carroll .........
Doorkeeper .............................................
Harford ...........
410 00
M. E. Tindle...........
Doorkeeper .............................................
Wicomico ..........
410 00
L. Herbert Griffith......
Chief Engrossing Clerk ..................................
Talbot .............
699 00
Isaac N. Willoughby.......
Doorkeeper .............................................
Caroline ...........
410 00
Louis Stern..............
Keeper Cloak Room ......................................
Anne Arundel.......
410 00
Harry F. Ogden ...........
Clerk to Judiciary Committee ............................
Baltimore City .....
560 00
Edward Magruder ........
Bill Room Clerk .........................................
Prince George's ....
410 00
I. N. Beall................
Doorkeeper .............................................
Montgomery ........
410 00
George W. Baker .........
Keeper Cloak Room ......................................
Baltimore City .....
410 00
Samuel D. Shipley .........
Clerk ...................................................
Carroll ............
410 00
Leo S. Echle ..............
.... Stenographer to City Senators ............................
Baltimore City .....
350 00
Richard Duvall ............
.... Committee Clerk .......................................
Anne Arundel .......
350 00
Thomas H. Massey........
.... Doorkeeper .............................................
Queen Anne's.......
350 00
M. L. Le Gates...........
.... Doorkeeper to Finance Committee.......................
Wicomico ..........
350 00
George Moreland .........
.... Doorkeeper .............................................
Prince George's.....
350 00
W. L. Hammond, Jr ........
.... Bill Room Clerk.........................................
Carroll ............
350 00
Moses D. Moore...........
.... Doorkeeper .............................................
Dorchester ........
350 00
G. Everett Siebert...
.... Stenographer to President ...............................
Baltimore City .....
350 00
Roland J. Beer ............
.... Clerk to Finance Committee..............................
Baltimore City .....
500 00