Statement showing expenditures on account of Legislative expenses of the Session of 1916 as per Chapter 389 of 1914.
Name. Official Character.
Frederick N. Zilhman.......... Senator .................................................
Allegany ...........
$555 00
Frank M. Duval ............... " ................................................
Anne Arundel
490 00
Newton D. R. Alien ........... " ................................................
Baltimore ..........
494 00
Joseph E. Joy ................. " ................................................
Calvert ............
525 00
Harvey L. Cooper ............. " ................................................
Caroline ...........
549 00
Wade H. D. Warfleld.......... " ................................................
Carroll ............
505 00
Frank E. Williams ............. " ................................................
Cecil ..............
511 00
John F. Mudd............... " ................................................
Charles ............
523 00
James S. Shepherd ............. " ................................................
Dorchester ........
765 00
George L. Kauf man ............ " ................................................
Frederick .........
508 00
Harvey J. Speicher ............ " ................................................
Garrett ...........
585 00
James J. Archer ............... " ................................................
Harford ...........
502 00
Richard A. Johnson ............ " ................................................
Howard ...........
493 00
Henry Brown ................. " ................................................
Kent ..............
539 00
Eugene J. Jones ............... " ................................................
Montgomery .......
501 00
William F. Holmead............ " ................................................
Prince George's ....
700 00
John H. C. Legg .............. " ................................................
Queen Anne's .......
543 00
William F. Chesley ............. " ................................................
St. Mary's..........
746 00
George P. Parsons ............ " ................................................
Somerset ..........
567 00
W. Oscar Collier .............. " ................................................
Talbot ............
561 00
Harvey S. Bomberger .......... " ................................................
Washington ........
524 00
L. Atwood Bennett ............ " ................................................
Wicomico ..........
561 00
Orlando Harrison.............. " ................................................
Worcester .........
569 00
William I. Norris .............. " ................................................
Baltimore City .....
690 00
Peter J. Campbell............. " President .....................................
Baltimore City .....
960 00
George A. Frick.............. " ................................................
Baltimore City .....
490 00
William J. Ogden ............... " ................................................
Baltimore City .....
490 00