Official Character.
Joseph D. Hoflman ........
.... Clerk to City Senators ..................................
Baltimore City .....
350 00
J. D. White..............
.... Stenographer to Committee on Education..................
Queen Anne's .......
350 00
G. Argatha Riordan .......
.... Stenographer to Judicial Proceedings Committee............
Baltimore City .....
350 00
May B. Holland.........
.... Stenographer to Committee on Roads .....................
Worcester .........
350 00
George E. Henry .........
.... Postmaster ............................................
Worcester .........
350 00
Edna L. Oldfield..........
.... Stenographer to Temperance Committee..................
Harford ...........
350 00
Nicholas H. Warfleld ......
.... Clerk ' to Corporations Committee........................
Howard ............
350 00
Scott L. Heffenger........
.... Proofreader ............................................
Anne Arundel .......
450 00
Samuel C. Appleby........
.... Proofreader ............................................
Baltimore .........
450 00
William W. Dyson, Jr .....
.... Messenger to Minority Senators ...........................
Charles ...........
350 00
L. A. Rudisill............
.... Clerk to Minority Senators ...............................
Garrett ...........
350 00
R. Harris Archer .........
.... Clerk to Temperance Committee ..........................
Harford ...........
350 00
L. C. Colliflower.........
.... Clerk ..................................................
Montgomery ........
195 00
Helen G. .Wade.........
.... Stenographer to Corporations Committee.................
Baltimore .........
310 00
Edna V. Schaeffer .........
.... Stenographer to Committee on Loans .....................
Baltimore City .....
310 00
E. M. Brice ..............
.... General Stenographer ...................................
Kent ..............
280 00
Charles M. Geyer ........
.... Proofreader ............................................
Baltimore City .....
345 00
Thomas J. Wentworth. . . . .
.... Proofreader ............................................
Baltimore City .....
345 00
Lena P. Bell...........
.... Stenographer to Minority Senators ........................
Worcester ........
245 00
Julius Hoffman .............
.... Chaplain ................................................
Baltimore City .....
150 00
Robert P. McClaskey . . . . .
.... Doorkeeper .............................................
Montgomery .......
155 00
James F. O'Mailey.......
.... Clerk to City Senators ..................................
Baltimore City .....
65 00
Francis W. Glair ..........
.... Chaplain ................................................
Annapolis ..........
150 00
John Boucher ...........
.... Special order services rendered ...........................
Annapolis ..........
150 00
W. H. Davenport.........
.... Special order services rendered ...........................
Baltimore City .....
150 00
J. T. McCarter........
.... Special order services rendered ...........................
No address .........
20 00