Acts Authorizing Payment.
Brought Forward .........................................
$3,647,764 73
State Weather Service.........................................
Chapter 329 of 1892..............
3,730 60
St. Mary's Female Seminary..................................
193 of 1868 and 638 of 1904
6,000 00
St. Agnes' Hospital............................................
638 of 1904..............
3,000 00
State Geological and Economic Survey.........................
51 of 1896 and 454 of 1898
27,000 00
State Game Warden ...........................................
364 and 614 of 1904......
2,657 63
St. Elizabeth's Home of Baltimore City for Colored Children ....
638 of 1904..............
1,500 00
State Building and Improvement Loan.........................
607 of 1900...............
260 35
St. Joseph's House of Industry................................
638 of 1904..............
1,500 00
Shipment of Public Documents .................................
716 of 1900 and 421 of 1902
437 70
State Aid and Charities........................................
421 of 1902 and 614 of 1904
2,410 79
Steam Boiler Inspections ......................................
421 of 1902..............
2,050 68
Special Appropriations.........................................
614 and 622 of 1904......
21,695 20
State Auditor.................................................
257 of 1902..............
2,300 00
St. Mary's Home for Little Colored Boys .......................
638 of 1904..............
250 00
St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum ..............................
512 of 1902 and 638 of 1904
1,000 00
State Library Commission......................................
247 of 1902..............
1,000 00
Sinking Funds .................................................
219 and 220 of 1878, 607 of
1900, 200 of 1902 and 228
of 1904.................
415,247 41
Springfield State Hospital ......................................
614 of 1904..............
51,409 86
Surplus Revenue ..............................................
421 of 1902..............
34,069 36
Text Books for Public Schools.................................
330 of 1902..............
150,000 00
Tuberculosis Commission ......................................
451 of 1902 and 476 of 1904
842 11
The Johns Hopkins University.................................
638 of 1904..............
25,000 00
St. Joseph's Hospital ..........................................
" " "
5,000 00
St. Peter Claver Colored Industrial School of Baltimore City. . . .
512 of 1902..............
300 00
St. Francis Xavier School for Deaf and Dumb..................
638 of 1904..............
1,000 00