Public Buildings Loan — House of Correction ....................
228 of 1904..............
$141,904 28
" — Maryland Agricultural College ..........
17,368 05
" — Maryland Institute .....................
25,000 00
" — Maryland Asylum and Training School
for Feeble Minded ....................
" " " ..............
49,500 00
" — Johns Hopkins Hospital ................
228 and 638 of 1904....
20,000 00
" — St. Mary's Academy....................
228 of 1904..............
5,150 00
— Springfield State Hospital..............
" " "
100,000 00
" — State House...........................
236,188 04
595,110 37
Rebinding Damaged Books.....................................
614 of 1904..............
464 2.0
Retired Teachers' Pensions .....................................
584 of 1904..............
21,591 02
Repairs of Executive Mansion ..................................
421 of 1902..............
3,856 68
Repairs of Public Buildings ....................................
421 of 1902 and 614 of 1904
3,752 87
Regents of the University of Maryland.........................
638 of 1904..............
4,000 00
Relief Fund Commission.......................................
129 of 1904..............
400 00
State Loan of 1902.............................................
200 of 1902..............
14,978 57
State Vaccine Agent..........................................
614 of 1904..............
2,600 00
State Tax Commissioner.......................................
178 of 1878 and 368 of 1904
7,600 00
State Tobacco Warehouses.....................................
413 and 614 of 1904......
1,262 73
St. Mary's Industrial School...................................
638 of 1904..............
15,000 00
St. Vincent's Infant Asylum ...................................
" " "
5,000 00
St. John's College.............................................
Res 38 of 1811 and 41 of 1832, Chap-
ters 315 of 1878, 208 of 1894 and
638 of 1904...................
31,699 99
State Live Stock Sanitary Board ...............................
Chapters 519 of 1888, 306 of 1898
and 614 of 1904................
9,448 87
St. Mary's Orphan Asylum ....................................
Chapter 638 of 1904..............
5,000 00
Silver Cross Home .............................................
" " "
1,500 00
State Board of Health.........................................
312 and 436 of 1898, 604 of
1890 and 614 of 1904............
9,986 79
Carried Forward...........................................
$3,647,764 73