Union Protestant Infirmary....................................
" "
5,000 00
University of Maryland, Use of Baltimore Infirmary .............
" " .......
5,000 00
United Charities Hospital Association of Dorchester County......
" " ........
6,000 00
Washington County Hospital Association.......................
638 of 1904..............
6,000 00
West End Maternite Hospital ..................................
" " ........
1,000 00
Western Maryland College .....................................
" "
14,500 00
Washington College............................................
Res. 64 of 1834 and 31 of 1848,
Chapters 219 of 1856, 154 of 1892,
339 of 1870, 188 of 1896, 293 of
1898, 512 of 1902 and 584 of 1904
16,275 00
Woman's Medical College......................................
Chapter 638 of 1904..............
1,500 00
Total ....................................................
$4,462,701 42
And there remained in the Treasury proper September 30, 1905. .
$1,516,881 78