Gustav Adolph Building and Loan Association, Baltimore...........
German Savings Fund, Baltimore. ............................................
German Savings Bank, Baltimore...........................................
German Central Bank, Baltimore..............................................
Grant Coal, Coal Oil & Lumber Co., Allegany county ...............
Gaudeleupe Quicksilver Co., Baltimore....................................
Harford Fire Insurance Company, Baltimore...........................
Hampshire & Baltimore Coal Company....................................
Hagerstown Wheel Company, Washington county.....................
Highlandtown and Point Breeze Railroad Co , Baltimore ............
Hampstend Building Association No. 9, Baltimore......................
Hagerstown Agricultural Imulement Man'fg Company, Wash. Co.
Hagerstown Manufacturing Company, Washington Co................
Hyattsville Building Company, Prince George's County. ..............
Harlem Permanent Building Association of Baltimore City..........
Home Building Association of Cumberland................................
Howard County German Building Association No. 3...................
Hancock Building Association No. 1, Washington County. .........
Hagerstown Steam Engine and Machine Company, Wash. Co.......
Hancock Building and Loan Association, No. 2, Washington Co..
Harmony Permanent Loan and Savings Company, Baltimore. .....
Howard Relief Building Association No. 3, Baltimore...............
Home Building Association No. 4, Baltimore.............................
" " " No. 5, " ..............................
" " " NO. 6, " .............................
'' " " No. 7 "
" " " No. 3. " ..............................
Harrison Permanent Building Association, Baltimore.................
Harrison Building Association No. 9, " ..................
Hampstead " " No. 11, " ..................
Hampstead '' " No. 12, " ..................
Harmony BuilJiug Association No. 14, Baltimore.....................
Harmony " " No. 15, " ..................
Harlem Stage Company, Baltimore. ........................................
Homestead Association, " ..........................................
Hagertown and Waynesboro' Turnpike Company .................
Hyde Turbine Soap Company, Baltimore. .................................
Hagerstown Gas Light Company, Washington County ...............
Hagerstown Preserving Company, Washington County...............
Hoopes Artificial Stone Cement and Paint Co., Balto. ..................
Hoen Building Company, Baltimore..........................................
Imperial Land and .Loan Company............................................
Improvement Land and Building Association of Frederick...........
Independent " " .No. 6, Baltimore......
Industrial Permanent " " No. 3, " ......
independent Savings and " " Laurel, P. G. Co.....
Improved Artesian Well Co., Balto. ..........................................
Kent Mutual Building Association, Kent County...............
Kenrick Building Association No. 4, Baltimore.....................
Kent National Bank of Chestertovvn..........................................
Kanawha Pump Works Manufacturing Co., Balto......................
Laurel Building Association, Prince George's County..................
Lake Chrome and Mineral Company.........................................
Light Street Bridge Company...................................................
Log Cabin Permanent Building Association, Baltimore...............
47 84
213 18
476 64
67 40
34 50
18 75
77 00
601 80
2 81
11 19
329 51
431 09
204 74
5 13
449 62
470 99
17 53
20 70
154 23
24 75
18 66
80 40
27 30
197 74
54 58
144 34
18 47
44 29
98 79
53 56
124 97
21 62
7 14
73 79
27 00
29 54
16 68
42 19
4 31
94 69
64 97
250 68
34 86
15 04
15 96
103 13
3 60
352 61
343 32
272 78
7 50
358 72
168 01
399 36
131 25