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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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TABLE No. 18— Continued.

Brought forward.............................................................

$68,251 66

Light Street Building and Savings Association, Baltimore...........

Liberal Building Association, Baltimore....................................
Lexington Monumental Building Association No. 2. Baltimore....
Lloyd Street Mutual Building Association .No. 5, Baltimore..........
Loyola Permanent '' " No. 5, " ..........
Loyola " " " Baltimore...................
Liberty and New Windsor Turnpike Company..........................
Liberty and Pipe Creek Turnpike Road Co................................
Lochiel Lumber, Mining Manfg & Improvement Co., Garrett Co..

Locust Point Company, Baltimore..........................................
Loraine Cemetery Company, Baltimore. ................................
Midlothian Coal & Iron Company, Alleg.iny county....................
Maryland Pavement Company, Baltimore.............................
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Baltimore county.....................
Maryland Folding Iron Crate & Guard Co., Baltimore..............
Maryland Title Insurance and Trust Company, Baltimore............
Maryland Soapstone Company ......................:........................
Maryland Hotell Company, Annapolis......................................
Manufacturing Company, Washington County............................
Mutual Life Insurance Company, Allegany County.....................
Maryland Coal Company, Allegany County. ..............................
Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Washington County ..............
Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cecil County........................
Mutual Landlords' Association of Cumberland............................
Mutual Building Association of Elkton, Cecil County.................
Mount Carroll Land Company.................................................
Millington Mutual Building and Loan Association, Kent County...
Maryland Land and Permanent Homestead Association, Balto. Co.
Maryland Schillinger Artificial Stone Company, Baltimore. .........
Maryland Permanent Land and Building Society, Baltimore.........
Mutual Benefit Loan Association of Kent County........................
Monumental Steamboat Company, Balto....................................
Mutual Aid Building Association of Ellicott City. .......................
Mechanicstown Building Association of Frederick County............
Merchants' and Traders' Banking Association. Baltimore.............
Maryland Mutual Permanent Building and Loan Company, Balto.
Metropolitan Savings Bauk. Baltimore.....................................
Mt. Clair Permanent Loan and Building Association...................
Mechanics' Lexington Permanent Bldg. and Loan Asso. No. 6, Balt.;
Monumental Permanent Building & Savings Society No. 5, Balto.
Madison Square Building Association No. 1, Baltimore...............

Mechanics' Hall Perpetual Loan and Savings Society, Baltimore...
Maryland Floating Elevator Company, Balto..............................
Mntunl Fire Ins. Company, of Somerset and Worcester Counties...
Mount Vernon Building Association No. 2, Baltimore.................
Mechanics' Western Permanent Building Society, Baltimore.........
Mt. Vernon Building Assn., No. 3, Ballo..................................
MutuAl Fire Ins. Co. of Calvert Co..........................................
Maryland Industrial and Chemical Co. of Balto. ........................
Monumental Gasoline Street Lamp Manfg. Co.. Balto..................
Maryland Fruit Packing Company, Somerset Couutj ..................
Monumental Fire Insurance Company, Balto.............................
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Harford County......................
Monocacv & Urbana Turnpike Company, Fredrick County.........
Mutual Firt Insurance Company, of A. A. and Howard Counties...
Maryland Brick Company, of Balto........................................

13 36
161 62
58 54
78 12
109 52
1 36
8 59
7 41
140 87
34 73
112 50
1,360 24
42 18
1 88
18 75
4 12
53 00
339 05
77 On
6 53
2,891 00
73 77
33 46
193 81
867 26
399 00
63 36
329 24
250 24
1,696 88
64 29
27 05
23 33
33 33
586 32
24 14
824 66
8 36
32 39
7 05
87 08
203 88
7 03
4 12
49 32
267 44
9 14
12 85
20 62
41 52
5 31
1 32
2 55
362 97

Carried forward.............................................................

$80,404 10



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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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