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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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TABLE No. 18.—Continued.

Brought forward.............................................................]

$52,245 68

Entaw Savings Bank, Baltimore.............................................
Edison Electric Illuminating; Co., Cumberland, Allegany county...
Fawn Ash Coal Company, Allegany Co....................................
Franklin Coal Company, Allegany Co......................................
Fountain Hotel Company, Balto..............................................
First Monumental Co-operative Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Ass' n.
Frostburg Gas-Light Company, Allegany Co.............................
Frostburg Perpetual Building Association, Alleganv Co...............
Frederick German Building Association No. 2, Balto..................
Franklin Building Association of Frederick...............................
Fourth German Building Association of Cumberland...................
Fulton Street Permanent Building Association, Baltimore............
Fire Insurance Compny, Allengany County...............................
Franklin Telegraph Company, Baltimore..................................
Frederick and Emmittsburg Turnpike Road Company................
Fott Avenue Permanent Building Association of Baltimore.........
Forrest Street Building Association No. 6, Baltimore..................
Forrest Street Building Association No. 5, Baltimore..................
Fourth Germ. in American Building Association, Baltimore. .........
Franklin Homestead and Loan Association, Baltimore..................
Fifth German American Building Association, Baltimore............
Franklin Square Building arid Loan Association, Baltimore.........
Franklin Bunk, Balto. .......................................................
Frederick County Mutual Fire Ins. Co.......................................
Frederick County Nat. Bank, Frederick.....................................
Frederick & Ballangers Creek Turnpike Co.................................
Flexible Wood Package Co., Balto .....................................
First National Bank, Frostburg, Allegany county........................
Franklin Savings Bank, Frederick.......... . ...........................
Farmers and Planters Bonded Agency, Baltimore......................
*Flamingo Guano Company, Balto.......................................
Granite Roofing Company, Baltimore. .....................................
German Homestead Association, Baltimore City.........................
German Building Association, No. 3, Ellicott City........................
Greenmount Cemetery Company, Baltimore...............................
German American Bank, Baltimore..........................................
Gardenville Permanent Loan Association of Baltimore...............
George Schwerein Building Association No. 2, Baltimore............
German Building and Savings Association No. 4, Baltimore.........
Greenmount Mutual Building Association, Baltimore..................
George Washington Building Association. "H," Baltimore..........
George Washington " " "G," " ..........
George Washington " " "F," " ..........
German Savings Association No. 2, Baltimore...........................
Germania Goodwill Building Association, Baltimore...................
German Building and Savings Association No. 5, Baltimore.........
Grain Building Association No. 5, Baltimore.............................
George Washington Building Association "E,".........................
Gaithersburg Mutual Building Association, Montgomery County.
Great Eastern " " No. 6, Baltimore........
Greencastle and Williamsport Turnpike Company, Washington Co
Goodyear Rubber Company, Baltimore....................................
Germania Building Association No. 17, Baltimore......................
Germania " " No. 15, " .......................
Gough Street" « No. 6, " ......................
Germania " " No. 16, " .......................

433 69
70 31 .
1,090 87
831 87:
1,227 95.
193 66
25 87
527 10
141 69
565 43
143 20
231 30
86 25
88 25
11 35
36 32
14 70
69 56
136 49
1 49
77 95
57 30
13 92
4 45
350 37.
10 01
72 50
96 25-
194 87
35 44
18 75
59 43
42 64
44 31
545 01
46 87.
91 03
59 95
39 96
124 67
19 42-
22 00
44 14
107 24
31 42
9 97
51 87
44 67
21 19
45 81
6 62
56 25
22 16
77 12
94 60
77 92

Carried forward.............................................................

$60,890 51

* Since paid.


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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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