TABLE No. 18. — Continued.
Brought forward............................................................
$41,458 83
Chew Street Bochemir's Association No. 1 Baltimore. ...............
Centennial Building Association No. 1, Baltimore.......................
Citizens' Penuancui Building, Savings and Loan Company, Baho.
Central Mutual Building Association, Baltimore.........................
Citizens' Railway Company, Baltimore....................................
Canton Company, Baltimore..................................................
Cockejsville Perpetual Building and Sa vines Assn.. Balto. Co......
Catonsville Land and Loan Assu., Balto. Co..............................
Chariot Stage Co , Balto. City. ................................................
Chesapeake Marine Railway and Dry Dock Co., Balt...................
Citizens Building Association, Caroline County.........................
Cecil County Agricultural Society ...........................................
Central Railway Company, Balto. .............................................
Chestertown Straw Board and Manf'g Company, Kent Co...........
Ceres Manufacturing Company, Bultimore.................................
Chesapeake Bank..................................................................
Camden Consolidated Oil Company. ........................................
Central Savings Bank, Balto...................................................
Choptank Steamboat Company, Balto.......................................
Cedar Hill Cemetery Co., Balto................................................
Cochran & Oler Ice Co , Balto. ................................................
Carroll Decorative Plate Glass Manufacturing Co., Baltimore ...„
Denton National Bank, Caroline county....................................
Danton Coal & Iron Company, Allegany county ........................
Dufl'y Malt Whiskey Company, Baltimore..............................
Danskin Shirt Manufacturing Company, Balto ...........................
Dulaney's Valley and Towsontown Turnpike Road Company, Bal
15 62.
29 19
7 46
43 65
1,080 00
5,4.05 39
14 45
40 78
16 72.
158 29
136 69
13 12
33 60
45 75
202 50
1,006 46
207 47
239 57
149 84
22 35
122 00
141 89
203 42
93 75
4 04
timore County..................................................................
Druid Hill Building and Savings Association, Baltimore..............
Druid Hill Building Association No. 2, Baltimore. .....................
Druid Hill Avenue National Building Association, Baltimore........
David Reus' Permanent Loan and Savings Company, Baltimore....
Druid Hill Avenue Permanent Building Association, Biiltimore....
Druid Hill Permanent Building and Savings Assn., Balto ...........
Domestic Telegraph Company, Balto........................................
District of Columbia and Upper Marlboro' Turnpike Co..........
Enterprise Building Association of Annapolis.............................
Equitable Building Association of Barton, Allegany County..........
Elkton Building Society, Cecil Co...........................................
Equitable Building Association of Cumberland...........................
East Street Perpetual Building Association, No. 2, Baltimore.......
Eastern National Building Association No. 4, .Baltimore. ............
East Monument Street Permanent Building and Savings Associa-
41 31
18 79
90 81
19 60
9 87
37 94
3 58
93 75
60 15
132 42
357 39
26 08
36 94
24 54
11 54
tion, Baltimore..................................................................
Eager Street Building Association No. 6,.Baltimore....................
Exchange Mutual Permanent Building Association, Baltimore....
Excelsior Permanent Building Association, Baltimore..................
Exchange Permanent Savings and Loan Association, Baltimore....
Eutaw Building Association No. 7, Baltimore...........................
Enterprise Building and Loan Association, Baltimore..................
Emory Street Permanent Building and Loan Company, Baltimore.
Elkton Gas Light Company, Cecil Co......................................
Eagle Loan and Building Assn., Balto. City..............................
Eutaw Paint Company, Balto.................................................
Enterprise Transportation Co. of Kent and Queen Anne's Cos......
Elk Mills Company of Cecil County..........................................
32 68
82 05
14 31
8 15
35 55
6 87
23 92
14 06
3 15
5 62
37 50
64 34
Carried forward.............................................................
$52,.245 68