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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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TABLE NO. 18—Continued.

Brought for ward..............................................................

$10,995 70

Baltimore and Harford Turnpike Company.................................
Baltimore and Havre de Grace Turnpike Company.....................
Baltimore Calf Hide Association..............................................
Baltimore Plow Company. ......................................................
Baltimore Perpetual Building Association, Baltimore City............
Brick Company, Baltimore..................................................:..
Butchers' Hill Building Association No. 3, Baltimore..................
Berlin Building Association No. 4, Baltimore............................
Baltimore Planing Mill and Manufacturing Company, Baltimore....
Border State Perpetual Building Association No. 2, Baltimore......
Bohemie Workingmen's Permanent Building Association No. 1....
Baltimore Pearl Hominy Company..........................................
Beehive Building Association No. 2, Baltimore...........................
Butcher's Building Association No. 1, Baltimore........................
Berlin Building Association No. 3, Baltimore.............................
Baltimore Elevator Company..................................................
Baltimore Hydraulic Cement Pipe Works.................................
Baltimore Sheep Butcher's Loan Association No. 1....................
Baltimore Savings Loan and Trust Company. ...........................
Brooklyn Building Association, A. A. County..........................
Baltimore Butchers' Hide and Tallow .Association No. 1, Balto......
Border State Perpetual Buildg. Ass'n, Balto..............................
Balio. Union Passenger Railway Co., Balto...............................
Border State Savings Institution, Balto....................................
Baltimore, Catonsville and Ellicotts Mills Passenger Railway Co...
Bohemia Bridge Company of Cecil County...............................
Baltimore Journal Company, Baltimore...............................
Bankers and Merchants Telegraph Company, Baltimore...............
Baltimore Cold Storage and Refrigerator Company, Baltimore......
Central National Bank of Baltimore ......................................
Citizens' National Bank of Hagerstown.....................................
Citizens' Security and Land Company. ......................................
Chester River Steamboat Company, Balto..................................
Calvert Iron and Nail Company, Balto.......................................
Canton Copper Works, Balto...................................................
Cumberland Hydraulic Cement and Manufacturing Company.......
Cumberland Basin Company...................................................
Cumberland Coal and Iron Company.........................................
Carroll Building Association of Cumberland..............................
Cumberland Cast Steel Manufacturing Company.........................
Consolidation Coal Company, Allegany county...........................
Concordia Association of Baltimore..........................................
Citizens' Building Association of Frederick...............................
Chesapeake Guano Company of Baltimore..................................
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Transportation and Mining Company

93 75
7 46
6 18
110 63
3 65
56 25
22 24
10 03
27 77
1 22
13 32
91 88
10 58
17 84
16 78
18 75
44 98
41 14
219 89
42 75
169 76
660 53
102 12
12 45
7 91
3 42
12 19
75 00
12 00
2,346 93
399 53
3,902 06
1,358 59
57 75
368 25
1,120 95
82 90
2,044 00
310 20
164 25
14,142 20
276 00
227 62
1,179 39

of Allegany County. ...........................................................
Corner Hill aud Sharp Street Building Association No. 2, Balto...
Central Union Permanent Building Association, Baltimore. .........
Caroline Street Permanent Building Association No. 1, Baltimore.
Chester Bridge Company, Kent Co............................................
Commercial Mutual Building Association, Baltimore..................
Clark Combination Lock Company, Baltimore............................
City of Baltimore Building Association No. 2............................
Columbia Building Association No 5, Baltimore........................
Columbian Building Association No. 5, E. Baltimore..................

46 20
36 62
163 81
2 18
131 08
60 80
18 74
5 89
39 48
65 24

Carried forward..............................................................

$41,458 83



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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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