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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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TABLE No. 18.

Showing the Balances due by the Incorporated Institutions
hereinafter named, as of September 30th, 1885, exclusive
of interest.

Atlantic and George's Creek Coal Company, Allcgar.y Co.............
Ashland Permanent Building and Land Company of Baltimore......
Ashland Manufacturing Company, Baltimore.............................
Agricultural and Mechanical Society of Allegany Co., W. Va......
Amicable Permanent Land and Loan Company, Baltimore...........
Atlantic Hotel Company of Berlin, Worcester County................
Astor Mutual Building Association of Baltimore........................
American Manufacturing Company, Baltimore City.....................
Alphonsus Hall Building Association No. 14, Baltimore City......
Aurora Permanent Building and Savings Association, Balto. City.
AIpliousus Hall Building Association No. 13, Baltimore City. ......
Alphonsus Hall Building Association No. 12 Baltimore City.......
Atlantic Building Association, Baltimore City............................
Asbury Building Assn., No. 3, Baltimore City...........................
American Gas Coal Company, Baltimore City.........................
Agricultural and Mechanical Society of Western Md., Cumberland.
Agricultural and Mechanical Association, Washington, D.C........
American Rapid Telegraph Company, Baltimore........................
American Towing Company, Baltimore.....................................
Automatic Elevator, Hatchway Door Co , Baltimore..................
Aughenbaugh Canning Company, Baltimore .............................
Associated Fireman's Insurance Company, Baltimore..... .............
American District Telegraph Company, Baltimore.....................
Annapolis Gas Light Company................................................
Agricultural and Mechanical Society of Western Maryland..........
Beaver Creek and South Mountain Turnpike Co., Washington co...
Baltimore Cemetery Company.................................................
Baltimore Chrome Works.......................................................
Border State Perpetual Building Association, No. 1, Baltimore......
Baltimore Combustion Attachment Company.............................
Border State Savings Institute, Baltimore .................................
Baltimore Coal Tar Manufacturing Co.......................................
Baltimore Hydraulic Cement Pipe Works.................................
Baltimore United Butcher's Association....................................
Baltimore Iron Company......................................................
Baltimore Co-operative Association.........................................
Baltimore Dredging Company...............................................
Baltimore & Ohio District Telegraph Company...........................
Baltimore Copper Company.....................................................
Baltimore and Havana Steamship Company ...............................
Baltimore and Savanah Steamship Company..............................
Barton and Mt. Gore Coal Company............. ...........................
Blane Avon Coal Company......................................................
Baltimore and Peabody Heights and Waverly Passenger R. R. Co.
Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation Company............
Broadway and Locust Point Steam Ferry Company.....................
Baltimore Rifle Target Shooting Company.................................
Baltimore and Hall Springs Railway Company...........................
Baltimore Bridge Company.....................................................
Baltimore and Ileisterstown Turnpike Company.........................

$1,095 00
12 96
799 51
40 67
132 65
38 32
89 53
46 88
19 80
32 22
27 24
14 23
18 22
18 87
16 40
27 73
40 02
22 50
30 18
20 25
45 00
187 52
16 88
188 70
18 75
11 85
1,241 24
399 00
6 66
3 85
230 63
49 41
9 38
3 67
11 25
74 25
28 13
429 80
293 56
946 62
845 00
858 62
163 20
358 78
239 31
618 03
255 97
54 57
244 09

Carried forward..............................................................

$10, 995 70



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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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