TABLE No. 13—Continued.
Amount brought forward..............................................
$14,568 89
K .
Kent County Mutual Insurance Company Dover, Del................
Kenton Insurance Company Covington, Kentucky......................
228 80
227 25
Lon Insurance Company, London, England..............................
Liverpool and London Globe Insurance Company, England.......
London and Lancashire Insurance Co., Eng..............................
Long Island Insurance Co., Brooklyn, N. Y...............................
Lumberman's Insurance Co., Phila., Penna..............................
London Assurance Fire Company, London, England..................
London and Provincial Insurance Co., London, England............
.Lancashire Insurance Company, London, England.....................
218 35
277 03
205 65
200 00
211 95
200 00
200 00
200 00
Merchants Insurance Company, Newark, New Jersey..................
Merchants Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Penna..................
Manufacturers and Builders Insurance Company, New York........
Mercantile Insurance Company, Cleveland, Ohio........................
Mutual Life and Maturity Association, Washington, D. C. .....
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, New York .....................
Merchants Insurance Company Providence, R.I......................
Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Company New York.............
Mercantile Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Boston, Mass......
Mechanics Insurance Company, New Yoik.................................
Massachusetts Benifit Association Lite, Boston, Mass..................
Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., Newark, N. J. ..............................
Manhattan Life Insurance Company New York...........................
Metropolitan Life Insurance Comp'y, New York......................
Mutual Life Insurance Company New York................................
Massachusette Life Insurance Company....................................
225 10
215 17
222 91
235 37
200 00
200 00
206 17
223 41
225 23
200 00
200 00
200 00
263 16
200 00
806 03
200 00
Newark Fire Insurance Company, Newark, N. J ......................
National Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.....................
Northwestern National Insurance Company, Milwaukee, Wis.......
Northern Assurance Company, London, England........................
Niagara Fire Insurance Company, New York.............................
New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company, Manchester...............
National Fire Insurance Company, New York............................
New York Bowery Insurance Company, New York.....................
New Orleans Firelnsurance Company, New Orleans, La...............
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England............
North America Insurance Co., Boston, Mnss..............................
New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.........
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Worcester, Mass...
216 06
259 74
205 85
265 15
276 67
230 92
200 00
200 00
200 00
200 00
200 00
200 00
200 00
Amount carried forward................................................
$23,614 91