TABLE No. 13—Continued.
Amount brought forward..............................................
$23,614 91
Orient Insurance Company. Hartford, Conn...............................
Orient Mutual Insurance Company, New York............................
249 26
414 54
Phoenix Assurance Co., London, Eng.....................................
Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn..........................
People's Insurance Company, Pittsburg, Penna. .....................
Penn. Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Penna..........
Pacific Fire Insurance Company, New York..............................
Prescott Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.............................
People's Insurance Company, New York.................................
Providence Washington Insurance Company, Providence, R.I.......
Penn. Insurance Company, Pittsburg, Penna............................
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Penna.........
Provident Life and Trust Co., Phila.........................................
238 50
300 50
246 89
258 59
220 69
212 90
200 00
200 00
200 00
1,740 53
2,900 00
Queen's Insurance Company, England......................................
200 00
Royal Insurance Company, Liverpool, England.........................
Reliance Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Penna.....................
Rochester German Insurance Company, New York.....................
361 65
216 52
220 66
Security Insurance Company, New Haven, Conn.......................
Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Mass...............
Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., Edinburg. ......................
Safety Fund Mutual Assessment Life Association, Phil...............
Sun Insurance Company, San Francisco, Cal...........................
Sun Fire Insurance Co., London, England..............................
Standard Fire Insurance Company, New York...........................
Star Fire Insurance Company, New York..................................
St. Paul Fire and F. Insurance Company, St. Paul, Minn............
Sterling Insurance Company, New York.................................
Sea Insurance Company, Liverpool, Eng.........................
State Mutual Life Insurance Co., Worcester, Mass.......................
200 00
267 33
218 91
200 00
209 68
256 34
224 56
214 85
200 00
200 00
200 00
297 00
Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Co., Liverpool, England....
Traders Insurance Company, Chicago,Ill................................
Trans-Atlantic Insurance Company, Hamberg, Germany.............
Travelers Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.............................
229 04
254 73
203 81
200 00
Amount carried forward...............................................
$35.572 39