TABLE No. 13—Continued.
Amount brought forward..............................................
$6,039 56
Exchange Fire Insurance Company, N. Y.................................
Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Company Providence, R. I....
Equitable Life Insurance Company...........................................
200 00
200 00
200 00
Franklin Fire Insurance Company Philadelphia, Penn...............
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, San Francisco, California...
Fireman's lusuracce Company Newark, N J. ..............................
Fidelity and Casualty Insurance Company, N. Y........................
Fire of County of Philadelphia of Philadelphia, Penn..................
Fire Insurance Association, London, England ..........................
Farmer's Fire Insurance Company, York, Penna........................
Fire Association Philadelphia, Penna........................................
295 58
200 00
257 58
280 38
200 00
200 00
343 59
200 00
Great Western Marine Insurance Company, N. Y........................
Glen's Falls Insurance Company New York...............................
Girard Fire & Marine Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Pa .......
Guarantee Company of North American, Montreal, Canada.........
Guardian Insurance Company New York..............................
Guardian Assurance Company, Fire, London. Eng.....................
Germania Life Insurance Company, New York..........................
Germania Fire Insurance Company New York..........................
German Fire Insurance Company New York. ...........................
200 00
250 47
249 66
265 42
200 00
200 00
280 37
332 50
200 00
Hartford Fire Insurance Company Hartford, Conn......................
Hartford Steamboiler Inspection & Insurance Company, Conn......
Hamberg Bremen Insurance Company, Hamburg, Germany. ........
Hartford Life and Annuity Company Hartford, Conn.................
Home Fire Insurance Company New York..............................
322 00
270 85
205 08
200 00
283 00t
Insurance Company, State of Penna., Phila..............................
Imperial Fire Insurance Company, London, Eng.......................
Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, Penna. . .....
228 88
222 40
1,609 34
Jefferson Insurance Company, N. Y..........................................
John Kancock Life Insurance Company..............................
241, 13
200 00
Amount carried forward. .............................................
$14,568 89