TABLE No. 13.
Showing the Receipts into the Treasury during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1885, from License and Tax upon
Premiums paid by Foreign Insurance Companies within
the State of Maryland.
AEtna Insurance Company Hartford, Conn.............................
American Insurance Company, Boston, Mass............................
American Fire Insurance Company, New York...........................
Accident Insurance Company North America Montreal, Canada...
American Fire Insurance Company, Newark, N. J. .....................
American Exchange Insurance Company New York..................
American Central Insurance Company St. Louis, Mo...............
American Steamboiler Insurance Company, N. Y. .....................
AEtna Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.......................
Agricultural Insurance Company Watertown, N. Y. ...................
$265 55
245 90
200 00
220 ]3
242 26
213 73
215 00
208 22
200 00
200 00
Boylston Mutual Insurance Compxnv, Boston, Maps....................
Buffalo German Insurance Company Buffalo, New York............
British American Assurance Company Toronto, Canada...............
Boston Marine Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.....................
Berkshire Life Insurance Company ..........................................
British Foreign and Marine Insurance Company, Eng..................
200 00
238 57
200 00
505 41
219 0
311 00
Commercial Insurance Company, Albany, N. Y........................
City of London Insurance Company, Eng. ...............................
Commercial Union Insurance Company London, England. ..........
Cooper Insurance Company Dayton, Ohio.................................
California Insurance Company, Sanfrancisco, California............
Connecticut Fire Insurance Company Hartford, Conn..................
City Insurance Company Pittsburg, Penna.................................
Citizens Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Penna .....................
Clinton Fire Insurance Company New York..............................
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Hartford, Conn....
200 00
200 00
217 00
251 00
212 22
263 79
200 73
200 00
200 00
200 00
Amount carried forward. .......................................
$6,039 56