Atlantic and George's Creek Coal Company............................
Ashland Permanent Building and Land Company of Baltimore......
Ashland Manufacturing Company, Baltimore............................
Agricultural and Mechanical Society of Allegany Co., W. Va......
Amicable Permanent Land and Loan Company.. Baltimore............
Academy of Music, Baltimore. .................................................
American District Telegraph Company.....................................
Atlantic Hotel Company of Berlin, Worcester County...............
Astor Mutual Building Association of Baltimore.......................
American Manufacturing Company, Baltimore City.....................
Alphonsus Hall Building Association No. 14, Baltimore City......
Aurora Permanent Building and Savings Association, Balto. City.
Alphonsus Hall Building Association No. 13, Baltimore City.......
Alphonsus Hall Building Association No, 12, Baltimore City.......
Atlantic Building Association, Baltimore City...........................
Annapolis Savings Institution. ................................................
Asbury Building Assn., No. 3, Baltimore City...........................
American Gas Coal Company, Baltimore City........................
Baltimore Butcher's Hide aud Tallow Association.......................
Baltimore Copper Company......................................................
Baltimore and Havana Steamship Company ...............................
Baltimore and Savanah Steamship Company.............................
Barton and Mt. Clare Coal Company.......................................
Blane Avon Coal Company....................................................
Baltimore and Peabody Heights and Waverly Passenger R.R. Co.
Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation Company............'imore Steam Boiler Works ............................................
Baltimore Coffee Polishing Company.......................................
Baltimore Coal Tar Manufacturing Company..............................
Broadway and Locust Point Steam Ferry Company....................
Baltimore Rifle Target Shooting Company................................
Border State Perpetual Building Association, Baltimore...............
Baltimore Cemetery Company.................................................
Belvidere Land Improvement and Building Association, Baltimore.
Baltimore Permanent Building and Land Society......................
Baltimore and Hall Springs Railway Company..........................
Baltimore Bridge Company......................................................
Baltimore and Frederick Turnpike Company.............................
Baltimore and Reisterstown Turnpike Company.........................
Baltimore and Harford Turnpike Company.................................
Baltimore and Havre De Grace Turnpike Company.....................
Baltimore and Liberty Turnpike Company................................
Baltimore Calf Hide Association..............................................
Baltimore Plow Company......................................................
Baltimore and Powhatan Railway Company...........................
Baltimore Perpetual Building Association, Baltimore City............
Brick Company, Baltimore.....................................................
Baltimore Butcher's Loan Association No. 1, Baltimore...............
Butchers' Hill Building Association No. 3, Baltimore..................
Berlin Building Association No. 4, Baltimore............................
.Baltimore Planing Mill and Manufacturing Company, Baltimore....
$1,528 98
29 00
799 51
48 25
132 65
980 88
84 38
31 54
89 53
6 56
19 80
32 32
27 24
14 23
18 22
1 25
18 87
117 18
150 44
43G 20
302 21
995 90
1,187 50
858 62
182 40
358 78
10 15
45 70
103 93
152 97
618 03
2,292 06
1,188 24
1,024 87
1,617 38
212 64
52 69
158 24
248 82
93 75
24 88
59 39
6 18
16 88
133 90
3 65
56 25
32 62
11 15
10 03
27 77