Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamboat Company, Baltimore.........
Baltimore and Yorktown Turnpike Road Company, Baltimore......
Bulletin Printing and Publishing Company, Baltimore................
Border State Perpetual Building Association No. 2, Baltimore......
Bohemie Workingmen's Permanent Building Association No. 1....
Beaver Creek and South Mountain Turnpike Co., Washington, Co.
Baltimore Pearl Hominy Company.........................................
Baltimore Steam Packet Company..........................................
Baltimore, Chesapeake and Richmond Steamboat Company, Balto.
Beehive Building Association No 2, Baltimore...........................
Butcher's Building Association No 1, Baltimore........................
Berlin Building Association No. 3, Baltimore ............................
*Bolton Building, Land & Savings Society, Baltimore...............
Baltimore Elevator Company..................................................
*Baltimore United Oil Company of Baltimore County..............
Baltimore Hydraulic Cement Pipe Works.................................
Baltimore Gazette Publishing Company..................................
Central National Bank of Baltimore .....................................
Citizens' National Bank of Hagerstown...................................
Citizens' Security and Land Company.......................................
Chester River Steamboat Company..........................................
Calvert Iron and Nail Company...............................................
Canton Copper Works............................................................
Cumberland Hydraulic Cement and Manufacturing Company.......
Cumberland Basin Company.................................................
Cumberland Coal and Iron Company.........................................
Carrollton Savings and Loan Association, Baltimore ..................
Carroll Building Association of Cumberland...............................
Cumberland Cast Steel Company..............................................
Consolidation Coal Company...................................................
Concordia Association of Baltimore..........................................
Citizens' Building Association of Frederick...............................
Chesapeake Guano Company of Baltimore...............................
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Transportation, and Mining Company
of Allepany County............................................................
Camden Consolidated Oil Company, Baltimore...........................
Corner Hill and Sharp Street Building Association No. 2, Balto...
Central Union Permanent Building Association, Baltimore.........
Caroline Street Permanent Building Association No. 1, Baltimore.
Chester Bridge Company .......................................................
Commercial Mutual Building Association, Baltimore..................
Clark Combination Lock Company, Baltimore............................
City of Baltimore Building Association No. 2............................
Columbia Building Association No 5, Baltimore........................
Columbian Building Association No. 5, E. Baltimore..................
Chew Street Bochemir's Association No. 1, Baltimore. ................
Centennial Building Association No. 1, Baltimore.......................
Citizens' Permanent Building, Savings and Loan Company, Balto.
Central Mutual Building Association, Baltimore........................
Carrollton Land and Loan Association, Baltimore.......................
Citizens' National Bank, Baltimore..........................................
Consumers' Mutual Gas Light Company, Baltimore City..........
Coal, Iron & Oil Company, Alleganj County. ..........................
Citizens' Railway Company, Baltimore....................................
Canton Company, Baltimore.................................................
330 39
157 96
11 25
1 23
13 32
7 40
80 62
364 34
187 50
10 58
8 92
16 78
3 18
187 50
844 31
7 50
19 29
1.612 31
'303 28
3,998 10
957 93
51 75
368 25
1,162 95
84 70
2,040 88
735 00
310 20
174 25
11,530 60
276 00
118 34
222 18
93 24
209 34
36 62
163 81
2 18
35 62
60 80
14 06
6 89
39 48
65 24
15 «2
29 19
7 46
43 63
30 29
1,136 39
1,338 73
18 75
937 50
1,271 56