George W. Hoover, late Register of Wills, Allegany County.......
Leander Warren, '' Notary Public, Baltimore City.............
Lewis Sutton, " " " " " ...............
L. G. Norwood, " Clerk Court Common Pleas Baltimore City
Wm. J. Hamill, " " " " " "
Nathaniel Hickman, " Register of Wills for " "
Thos. H. Gardner, " Clerk Criminal Court for " "
Richard France, " Lottery Contractor, " "
*Robert T. Banks, Register of Wills, " "
*John W. Temple, late Clerk Circuit Court, Caroline County.........
*Frank T. Shaw, " " Carroll " .........
*B. G. Stonestreet, . " " Charles " .........
A. L. Jarrett, " " Harford " .........
*Edwin Warfield, Register of Wills Howard County.................
*D. C. Blackiston, late Clerk Circuit Court, Kent County............
*B. B. Prettyman, " " Montgomery County.
Wm. A Jarboe, Clerk Circuit Court, Prince George's Co., estimated
*Wm. B. Temple, Register of Wills, Queen Anne's County........
t J. Frank Ford, Clerk Circuit Court, St. Marys County...............
John Baggs, late " " Talbot " ...............
*Abraham Winters, Weigher General of Grain, Baltimore City...
*Wm. Bayne, Inspector of State Tobacco Warehouse No. 1, B. City
*Alex Somervell, " " " No. 2, "
E. A. Owens, late " " " No. 3, "
tPeter W. Hawkins, " " " No. 3, "
*Leo. H. Haydeu, " " " No. 4, "
Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad Company, Interest on Bonds.
Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Companies, for Interest........
$1,293 41
213 06
6,030 00
5,350 00
2,163 00
7,438 13
2,499 05
12.750 00
16,399 07
306 04
409 70
64 12
428 97
49 98
3,288 83
402 18
515 00
86 36-
5,248 94
550 17
390 28
563 95
501 06
23 62
29 59
686 52
8,400 00
210,000 00