realized and added to the balance at the end of the fiscal year just
ended, $401,434.29, will make the total amount in the Treasury
during the fiscal year 1877, to be $2,565,917.44.
The estimates of expenditures for the same period are put down
in detail in Statement "'D," making an aggregate of $1,808,407.33.
The condition of the "Free School Fund" and "Sinking Fund" is
fully exhibited in detail in Statement "E." The receipts during
the year accruing to the "Free School Fund," have been $71,106.52.
This sum, added to the balance on hand at the close of the fiscal
year 1875, viz: $20,437,70, makes the aggregate of said fund du-
ring the fiscal year to be $91,544.22.
The disbursements from this fund during the fiscal year, were
$67,548.75, leaviog a balance to the credit of. the fund at the close
of the fiscal year, of $23,995.47.
The various stocks in which the increment of the "Sinking'Fund''
have been invested, are given in detail in Statement "F." The
Bonds issued for the State House of Correction, amounting to
$250,000.00, and for the State Normal School, amounting to $100,-
000.00, were purchased for the "Sinking Fund,'' and cancelled as
directed by law, and as no further tax has been authoriized by law;
to be levied on account of these debts, they have beet dropped from
the Debt Statement, and also from the account of productive invest-
ments of the "Sinking Fund."
Statement "G." shows the receipts during the fiscal year from
dividends on bank and other stocks held by the State, and,interest ,
on the bonds of the Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad Company,
amounting in the aggregate to the sum of 72,562.69.
No dividend has been received during the fiscal year on the share
of stock held by the State, in the Washington Branch of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad.
The receipts on account of the "Oyster Fund'' during the fiscal
year, are given in detail in Statement "H," amounting in. the ag-
gregate to 050,764.78.
The expenditures, detailed in same Statement, amounted dur-
ring the fiscal year to the sum of $48,368.00.
The amount standing to the credit of the "Oyster Fund," at the
close of the fiscal year, was $249,882.26.
Statement "I" gives in detail, the productive and unproductive
stocks in which the money of the State has been invested, in pur