suance of laws passed from time to time. Those designated as pro-
ductive, amount to $4,329,105.89.
The investments of the State, which are now unproductive, amount,
including interest due from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com-
pany, to the sum of $29,287,041.76. There is also a large amount
due the State from the Baltimore and Uhio Railroad Company,
for the State's portion of the receipts from passengers on the Wash-
ington Branch, from Collectors and other officers, and from sundry
incorporated institutions, amounting in the aggregate to not less
than $2,000,000.00, the greater portion of which will probably be
realized, and may be made to offset an equal amount of the out-
standing public debt.
The total amount of the public debt of the State, as shown in
Statement "J," was at the dose of the fiscal year, $10,730,525.46,
of which $5,014,333.35, is sterling debt on which the interest is
payable in coin in London.
The public debt has been reduced during the fiscal year by the
amount of $677,088.88.
In pursuance of the provisions of the Act of Assembly, passed
at January Session, 1872, chapter 276, the Comptroller and Treas-
urer gave the notice required by said Act, by advertisement in
London, that the bonds of the State, issued for the Tide-Water
Canal Company, amounting to 67,500 pounds sterling, would be
redeemed on the first day of January, 1876, at the banking-house
of Messrs. Baring Brothers & Co., in London, and that interest on
the same would cease on that day. These bonds, as rated in the
debt statement, amounted in Federal currency, to the sum of
$300,000.00. All of said issue, with the exception of four bonds,
were presented for payment and were taken up, cancelled and
transmitted to this office, and are now in the possession of the
Treasurer. The four missing bonds had not been presented for pay-
ment at the time of my last advices from Messrs. Baring Brothers
& Go. These bonds had been overdue since 1865, and there are
other bonds issued to the Susquehanna Canal Company, likewise
overdue since 1865, now outstanding, to the amount of $.434,000.00.
It is proposed to call in a certain number of these bonds at some
period during the current fiscal year, and if the four missing bonds
of the Tide-Water Canal Company should not be presented by
that time, to apply the funds provided for their redemption, to the
extinguishment of an equal number of those of the Susquehanna
Canal Company.