'the judgments rendered against them, and to the falling off of the
revenue from licenses to Foreign Insurance Companies, under the
Act of 1876, chapter 248.
Statement "A," in the appendix to this Report, exhibits in detail
'the several sources from "which the receipts of revenue have been
The total disbursements during the fiscal year, amounted to
$2,676,810.66. Of this aggregate, the sum of $388,561.22 was ex-
pended in the redemption of the Sterling Bonds of the State, issued
to the Tide-Water Canal Company, which have been due in London
since the year 1865 ; in redeeming the defence loan issued under
the Act of 1864, Chapter 15, and a portion cf the debt issued for the
Susqucbanna Canal Company.
Of the above total, the sum of $34,469.08 has been expended in
the completion of the State Normal School Building, $20,156.62 in
rebuilding State Tobacco Warehouse, destroyed by fire, and $132,-
641.80, in (he erection of the State House of Correction; $135,-
193.90 were expended on account of the Maryland Hospital for the
Insane, in pursuance of the provisions of the Act of January Ses-
sion, 1876, chapter 263 ; $15,000.00 on account of the appropriation
for the Centennial Exhibition, and $68,956.63 in payment .of sundry
special appropriations authorized by various Acts of Assembly, the
amounts of which and the Acts by which the same were appropri-
ated, are given in detail in Table No. 19, appended to this Report,
leaving the amount expended for ordinary purposes during the fiscal
year, $1,916,300.49. The balance of the appropriation, for the sup-
port of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, for the year 1876,
was not drawn from the Treasury until eince the dose of the fiscal
The different items of expenditure, and the Acts of Assembly au-
thorizing the same, are stated fully in Statement "B."
The balance in the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year, exclu-
sive of the amounts to the credit of the "Free School Fund" and
"Sinking Fund," amounted to $401,434.29. The balance to the
credit of the "Free School Fund" was $23,995:4.7, arid the balance
to the credit of the ''Sinking Fund" was $28,408.87, making the
total cash balance available to the Treasury, for all purposes at the
end of the fiscal year, amount to the aggregate of $453,838.63.
The probable receipts into the Treasury during the current fiscal
year, are estimated in Statement "C" at $2,164,483.15, which, if