year, although under the Act of 1874, chapter 483, these taxes
are not due until 1st January 1875. The payments were made
in advance in order to save the premium allowed by that Act,
for such advance payments. The amount received from this
s'ource since the close of the fiscal year, is $21,133.98, and there
is still due and unpaid on this account the sum of $16,809.60,
making an aggregate from this source of $154,949.25. The re-
ceipts from State taxes on the stock of Incorporated Institutions,
in former years have rarely gone beyond $55,000. In 1873 they
reached the sum of $77,868.47, which was largely in advance of:
any former year, and the total amount paid and due for 1874,
is $77,080.78, in excess of the amount in 1873. The receipts-
from this source will be still further increased in future years,
under the operation of the revenue system adopted by the last
The receipts and disbursements on account of the State Tobacco
Inspections for the fiscal year, are exhibited in detail in Table
No. 8. The gross receipts at the several warehouses for the
fiscal year were $132,430.14. The disbursements during the
same period, exclusive of the salaries of the Inspectors and Su-
pervisor were $120,190.91, leaving a balance of $12,239.23,
which added to the balance due from Inspectors for the year
1873, and paid during this fiscal year, makes the total balance-
$13,291.59. The salaries of the Inspectors and Supervisor for
the year amount to $15,000.00.
The report showing the exact state of the " Tobacco Fund,"
from its inception to the present time, called for by the last
Legislature, required an immense amount of labor and investiga-
tion among the old records of the Treasury Department, and ow-
ing to the inconvenience for such examination, resulting from the
inability to occupy the Comptroller's office during the time of the
repairs and addition to the building, it has been impossible to-
make it out in time for this Report. As soon as the build-
ing can be again occupied, I will have it carefully finished and
exhibited to your Excellency as a supplement to this Report.