Statement "A," in the Appendix to this Report, exhibits in de-
tail, the several sources from which this amount of revenue has been
The total disbursements during the fiscal year, amounted to $2,-
850,654.06, being less than the total expenditures for the fiscal year
1871, by the sum of.$362,847.99, and less than those for the fiscal
year 1870, by the sum of $124,415.11.
Of the disbursements for the fiscal year, $330,000 00 were ex-
pended under Chapter 236 of 1872, for the completion and furnish-
ing of the Maryland Hospital at Spring Grove, in Baltimore coun-
ty, and the sum of $25,000.00 was paid under Chapter 422 of 1870,
for the Deaf and Dumb .Asylum at Frederick city.
The expenditures are detailed in Statement "B," with the laws
making the appropriations therefor.
The balance in the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year 1872,
was $339,171.10.
There is also in the Treasury, to the credit of the Sinking Fund,
the sum of $218,750.30, applicable only to the redemption of the
public debt, a portion of which sufficient to absorb this amount,
has been called in for payment on or before 1st January 1873, in
pursuance of the directions of the Act of Assembly, passed at Jan-
nary Session 1872, Chapter 276, and notice has been given that pay-
ment of interest on said portion of the debt, would cease from and
after said day.
The probable receipts into the Treasury, during the current fiscal
year, calculated under existing laws, are estimated in Statement
"C," at $1,957,611.65, which, if realized and added to $339,171.10,
the balance in the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year 1872, ap-
plica'ble to ordinary purposes, would make the total amount in the
Treasury during the current fiscal year so applicable, to be $2,296,-
782.75. The estimate of expenditures for the same period, based
upon present appropriations; arc put down in Statement "D," at
These estimates show the probable balauce in the Treasury at
the end of the current fiscal year 1873, applicable to ordinary de-
mands to be $547,366.37.
Statement "B" exhibits the condition of the "Free School Fund"
and the "Sinking Fund," at the close of the fiscal year.