Comptroller of the Treasury
Annapolis, Dec. 20th, 1872..
To His Excellency,
William Pinkney Whyte, Governor of Maryland r
In obedience to the Constitution and Laws of the State, I respect-
fully submit the following Report of the financial condition of the
Treasury Department at the close of the fiscal year ended 30th Sep-
tember, 1872..
The total receipts into the Treasury, from all sources during the-
fiscal year, amounted to $2,237,578.26, which, added to the balance
in the Treasury, 30th September, 1871, viz: $452,246.90, make the
total amount in the Treasury during the fiscal year 1872, $2,689,-
825.16. Of this amount, the sum of $336,208.87 was derived-from
the sale of the stock of the Maryland Hospital Loan, made in pur-
suance of the Act of Assembly of January Session 1872, Chapter
236, and the sum of $25,000.00 was derived from the sale of the bal-
ance of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan, authorized by Act of
January Session 1870, Chapter 422, leaving the amount derived to
the Treasury from ordinary sources of revenue during the fiscal
year ending 30th September, 1872, $1,876,369.39. This sum is-
larger than the amount received from the same sources, during the-
fiscal year 1871, by the sum of $50,338.67, and larger than the re-
ceipts from same sources during the fiscal year 1870, by the sum.
of $3,427.27.