30th September, 1869, makes the aggregate in the Treas-
ury during the fiscal year 1870, to the credit of said fund,
to be $206,508.36.
The expenditures during the fiscal year, amounted to
$32,381.79 ; of which amount the sum of $12,398.13 was
paid for balance of construction of steamer Leila, as per
chapter 475 of 1870, and for the construction and equip-
ment of the two sail vessels authorized by Act of Assem-
bly of the last session, chapter 364, and $1,838.88 for re-
The salaries and expenses of the "Oyster Police Force"
amounted, during the fiscal year, to the sum of $16,676.79;
which amount will be increased during the current year by
the salaries and expenses of the officers and crews of the
two sail vessels. The balance in the Treasury to the
credit of the "Oyster Fund" arises mainly from the in-
come of years previous to the establishment of the "Oyster-
Police Force," the expenses of which will hereafter most
probably consume the greater portion of the revenue col-
lected from this source.
Statement "I" exhibits the productive and unproductive
Stocks, in which the State's capital is invested; those de-
signated as productive amounting to $8,105,568.40, and
the unproductive footing up the large sum of $20,115,-
The last nine items in the list of unproductive Stocks
may be set down as valueless, and, in fact, an incum-
brance to the books of the office.
The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, in which the State has
invested such large amounts, has, after innumerable diffi-
culties and disasters, been brought by the industry and
management of the late Board, to the commencement of
the liquidation of its.indebtedness.