The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has paid into the Treas-
ury during the fiscal year of 1861, the aggregate amount of
$199,314 77; $90,636 thereof being for dividends on the
State's stock in said road, $40,926 77 for the one-fifth receipts
from passengers on the Washington Branch, and $67,752 for
interest on the bonds of said road held by the State. See Ta-
bles Nos. 5 and 6.
It is understood that this Company has a large claim
against the General Government for transportation of troops
yet unadjusted, and in which the State has a considerable in-
terest, The interest of the State in its adjustment, will no
doubt be guarded and protected by its able President.
The Northern Central Railway has paid during the fiscal
year of 1861 into the Treasury, the sum of $58,296 67, on ac-
count of arrears of interest See Table No. 5, This road is
still largely in arrear on the same account, and proceedings
have been instituted for its recovery, and are now pending in
the courts of this State, under the management and direction
of Messrs. Thomas S. Alexander and Milton Whitney.
This Company has paid into the Treasury during the last
fiscal year, the sum of $58,000 on account of arrears of inter-
est, leaving still a large balance due on that account.
There was received into the Treasury during the last fiscal
year, from the several Banks, for dividends on stocks held by
the State, the sum of $36,393 64; the respective amounts re-
ceived and the names of the Banks which paid the same, will
appear by reference to Table No. 6.
For the Revenue derived from the State's Hay and Live
Stock Scales, and from the State's Wharves in the City of Bal-
timore, see Table No. 9. The aggregate receipts of the same
for the past year were $8,087 62.