The receipts from the Land Office were $745 58, and from
Fines and Forfeitures $170 99. See Table No. 10.
The receipts into the Treasury from the Inspection of Grain
were $4,143 10, and from Inspection of Manure $14 54, and
from Interest on Personal Accounts $1,420 10, as will be
seen by reference to Table No. 11.
There was paid into the Treasury during the last fiscal year,
for Licenses issued to Agents of Foreign Corporations, the
sum of $14,400. The names of the agents and the compa-
nies are set forth in Table No. 12, with the several amounts
of licenses paid by them. The Tax on Protests, paid during
the same year, was $3,806. By whom paid, will be shown
by the same Table.
The receipts into the Treasury during the fiscal year of
1861, from Tax on Incorporated Institutions, amounted to
$20,379 16. The names of the Institutions, and the several
amounts paid by them, will be shown by Table No. 13.
Table No. 14, will show the whole amount of Revenue
which accrued on the fiscal year ended 30th September, 1861,
the amount arising from each branch thereof, the amount re-
ceived, and the difference between that which accrued and
that received.
The amount accrued is shown to be $1,532,180 39, and
that received, after legal deductions, $819,651 78, and the
difference $660,164 65,
The Balances due the State by Incorporations, amounted
in the aggregate at the close of the fiscal year 1861, to $30,-
888 08. The names of the Incorporations, and the respect-
ive amounts due by each, is given in Table No. 17.
The Balances due the State from Clerks of Courts and Re-
gisters of Wills, at the close of the last fiscal year, amounted
in the aggregate to $29,114 21. The names of said Clerks
and Registers, with the several sums due by them, is given
in Table No. 18.
Said Table also shows a balance due by Richard France, on
Lottery contract, of $12,750.
Table No. 19, shows the several Counties indebted on ac-