CLERKS OF COURTS—(See Table No. 1.)
There was received into the Treasury during the last fiscal
year, from the Clerks of the several Counties and the City of
Baltimore, the sum ,of $233,748 77, of which amount $222,-
136 64 was received from revenue accruing upon Licenses,
and the residue,from other sources. Showing a diminution,
as compared with 1859, of $67,314 96, and $61,727 38 as
compared with 1860.
REGISTERS OF WILLS.—(See Table No. 2.)
There was received into the Treasury, during the fiscal year
of 1861, from the Registers of the several Counties and of the
City,of Baltimore, the sum of $63,748 37; $39,265 thereof
from taxes on commissions to executors and administrators,
and $24,519 32 from tax on collateral inheritances. Show-
ing an increase over the year 1859 of $2,915 45, and a de-
crease of $290 24 as compared to 1860.
Table No. 4, will show the receipts into the Treasury from
this source of revenue during the past fiscal year. The total
amount is $7,734' 93, being a decrease of $11,294 15, as com-
pared with 1860, and $14,408 51 as compared with 1859.
There was received into' the Treasury from the several In-
spectors on this account in the last fiscal year, the sum of
$7,457 25, as will be: seen by Table No. 8.
The gross receipts from Inspections during the same year
were $48,329 74, and the expenditures $53,359 26, being an
excess, over the receipts of $5,029 52.
After the close of the fiscal year there was paid the further
sum of $26,170 56 on said account, the respective amounts
and by whom paid will appear by reference to said Table No. 8.